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    My experiences

    • Started by CShadowRun
    • 12 Replies:
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    • Registered: 06-Aug-2007
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    I've been using colemak for about a month and a half now, switched from dvorak. (I only used dvorak for about a month)
    My current WPM peak is 114 according to typing stats for the G15, but i spend about 16-18 hours a day typing.
    I love annoying my friends saying

    "You gay people game with wasd"
    "I game with wars"


    Probably gonna try to switch my laptop to colemak soon, too.

    Just thought i'd stick up a post to let everyone know that im doing well, :D

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Are your gaming buddys all gay? Or are you one of those uninformed punks who use the word as an insult?

    Just don't insult homosexuals, mmmkay? If I were a mod here, you'd be right off the board.

    Last edited by DreymaR (11-Oct-2007 16:58:41)

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    • From: Houston, Texas
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    Well I am glad you are not the mod and If I were mod here I'd give you a warning for picking a fight. 

    Yes, it's an immature comment.  Your response of doing the verbal equivalent of
    getting in someone's face and calling them names is not exactly a mature way of pointing it out

    Let's try to keep things civil here.

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    • From: London
    • Registered: 02-Feb-2007
    • Posts: 24

    Congratulations on your typing skills CShadowRun, it's always great to hear about people being happy with Cmk.

    You should however be aware that there are actually some gay people around there who also game with wars. I know it may seem inconceivable but here goes.

    I grew up in a pretty nasty environment and I remember using "Jewish" as a casual insult with my schoolmates when I was 7 or 8. I'm unbelievably ashamed of it now and I don't wish you the same.

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    • From: Köln, Germany
    • Registered: 01-Apr-2007
    • Posts: 264

    Hmm, gay has become the most widely used word for randomly cursing things. You say it involuntarily, not necessarily because you have anything against gays, but it proves that you should think about what you say before saying it. That's definitely one of my weaknesses too. Anyway, CSR, I'm sure that was unintentional and congratulations on your progress.

    By the way, nicely said, samurai. I laughed. ;)

    Last edited by vilem (12-Oct-2007 17:27:06)
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    • From: NYC
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    that's a great speed, maybe one day you can beat the current Guinness World Record and advertise Cmk simultaneously...lol

    wow...16-18 hours a day typing?? when do you sleep?

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,371
    vilem said:

    Hmm, gay has become the most widely used word for randomly cursing things.

    Only among the uninformed. I never see really mature people using it, even in the online gaming communities (where there are also quite a few "gaymers" by the way).

    Samurai, you speak for board peace. A wise move. But I cannot bring myself to standing by and keeping my peace when bigotry rears its head. We're like that in Norway, for the most part. For the board peace, my apologies. For cracking down on the practice of insulting groups, I will not apologize. I hope that these two are to some extent reconcilable.

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    • From: Köln, Germany
    • Registered: 01-Apr-2007
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    Drey, you were being slightly cocky back then, you can't assume everyone is as mature as you are, can you? CSR surely didn't mean to insult any 'groups', it was sheer carelessness and a bad habit. I know a homosexual who called a pair of glasses he didn't like 'gay'. That shows how the word has come to be used, although it doesn't justify using it for that purpose. I definitely think it was wrong of CSR to use 'gay' for calling someone names, but nevertheless, he shouldn't be accused of discrimination.

    Of course CSR's gamer friends could all be gay, but I highly doubt that. :)

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Just because some dark-skinned people call each other "niggers", doesn't mean it's not a bad insult - especially if coming from others. If CShadowRun is gay himself, he'll probably get away with calling things gay at random among people who know him, but on a net forum anyone need to realize that the reader cannot see your background. At any rate, his post implies that he sees his friends as 'gay' and himself as otherwise which removes this argument.

    Carelessness will not excuse displays of bigotry in modern civilized societies. As you say, it's a bad habit and will be treated as such among those who care. It only takes a little respect to behave, in general. I myself am not a Christian for instance, but I try not to use offensive swear words - at least when I'm among potentially religious people. (Yeah, I fail sometimes - but if I do I'll fully expect to be berated for it and will apologize.)

    Last edited by DreymaR (13-Oct-2007 15:49:34)

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    • From: Switzerland
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    Wow, 100+ wpm in only a month - awesome!

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    • Registered: 15-Mar-2007
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    DreymaR said:

    Are your gaming buddys all gay? Or are you one of those uninformed punks who use the word as an insult?

    Just don't insult homosexuals, mmmkay? If I were a mod here, you'd be right off the board.

    I'm not one to use such words as insults, but I think there is too much politically-correct moralizing going on here. I would suggest that you learn to tolerate different points of view, DreymaR, before resorting to the very same kind of insults that you are moralizing about (ie: "uninformed punks").

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    DreymaR said:

    Just because some dark-skinned people call each other "niggers", doesn't mean it's not a bad insult - especially if coming from others.

    The word "nigger" is just a southern corruption of the word "negro", which is just the Spanish/Portuguese for "black". It was not always seen as an insult. Not only was it used by blacks themselves, but also by whites who advocated equal rights for blacks. The exclusive use of that word as a slur is rather recent.

    Carelessness will not excuse displays of bigotry in modern civilized societies. As you say, it's a bad habit and will be treated as such among those who care.

    Tolerance is for everyone, not just the politically-correct. In civilized democratic societies all points of view should be open for debate and expression, even those that you might not personally like. The term "bigotry" has become an overused catch-phrase. For instance, "dumb blonde" jokes are often tolerated and hardly anyone considers them to be "bigotry"; yet this is a slur against whites and northern Europeans especially (as they have the highest percentage of blondes). But if someone said a joke about dark-skinned people being dumb or some such it would doubtless be called "bigotry". Thus, politically-correct double-standards abound.

    Here is a definition of the word "bigot":


    a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

    Thus, someone that is intolerant of different points of views qualifies as a "bigot".  I think that the politically-correct thought-police fits the definition of "bigot" better than anyone else. They are absolutely intolerant of a different point of view, such as the idea that homosexuality is repulsive (just to pick an especially relevant example).

    Last edited by Ex-qwerty (31-Oct-2007 23:42:23)
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    You give food for thought, and I would not be too opposed to your description of myself as a "thought police". But what is the function of police? When working as they should, to uphold law and good and contribute to keeping good people safe from harm. In that context, I will be most happy to be a policeman of thought. Of course, when policemen go bad it is a horrible thing and we should all endeavour to not give in to corruption and needless violence.

    At any rate, you should use "thought vigilante" instead since nobody hired us. We just do what we feel needs to be done. Contrary to vigilantism in the streets, however, we're not intruding on anybody else's jobs here. It is every man's duty to stay vigilant of his own and others' thoughts, lest we fall into slumber and something nasty gets a chance to grow up and smother us like in the 40's.

    You spend too much time and energy on the connoted phrase "politically correct" in my opinion. It is no politics that makes me not tolerate harassment of minorities and other misdemeanour. It is my own philosophy, and I can only give you my word that I'm a thinking man and have not just inherited all my views from polls.

    Tolerance isn't a magic term that will excuse anarchy. Anarchy doesn't work in my opinion. An anarchist will not be prosecuted for his beliefs by me, but if his/her actions harass minority groups I will oppose him/her. If you were to call that double standards, I would probably call you clueless.

    I care. And I will keep caring. Call me what you will, and I may just wear it proudly.

    On a side note: If a word becomes unusable through the actions of people of low moral fibre, then it will have to be given rest. Same as with the swastika, which we can now only use in some quite specific historical settings (I've used it in Roman reenactment for instance) without invoking undesired results. You cannot reclaim the word "nigger" as a non-insult, that train has left a long time ago. I'd like to see the word "gay" survive the onslaught of the thoughtless, but if it loses out then it will become another one of those words and either way it'd be best left alone by the malevolent.

    Last edited by DreymaR (01-Nov-2007 10:11:09)

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