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    Hostile EurKey Wikipedia takeover?

    • Started by DreymaR
    • 2 Replies:
    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,373


    So I visited the Wikipedia Colemak entry today and found that an EurKEY fan (its creator, maybe?) has added that layout and made it look like a further improvement on Colemak-DH. This is wrong: It's not even a layout variant like Colemak-DH with respect to changing key positions. Instead, it's an AltGr layer addition, and there are several such AltGr variants around including my own Colemak[eD]. There has been at least one discussion thread on this Forum about its merits or lack thereof.

    I think it's offensive to present that addition this way, and hope more of you think so too and will help maintain the sanity of the Wikipedia entry in the future.

    I'm not all that familiar with Wikipedia procedure and etiquette, so if anyone else knows how to proceed in the best way with this, please do so. Meanwhile, I tried undoing the change.

    Wikipedia said:

    Colemak has been criticised for placing too much emphasis on the middle-row centre-column keys (D and H), leading to awkward lateral hand movements for certain common English bigrams such as HE. The Colemak user community developed a modified version of Colemak, called Colemak-DH, to address these concerns.[13]

    Wikirofl said:

    One further result is EurKEY Colemak-DH, an ergonomic version of EurKEY based on Colemak-DH and supplemented by an AltGr layer according to the EurKEY design principles.[14]

    [[File:KB EurKEY Colemak-DH ANSI.svg|thumb|250x250px|EurKEY Colemak-DH ([[American National Standards Institute|ANSI]])]]
    One further result is [[EurKEY#EurKEY Colemak-DH|EurKEY Colemak-DH]], an ergonomic version of [[EurKEY]] based on Colemak-DH and supplemented by an {{Key press|[[AltGr key|AltGr]]}} layer according to the EurKEY design principles.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Ganz|first=Marcel|title=EurKEY Colemak-DH|url=https://gitlab.com/jungganz/eurkey-colemak-mod-dh|access-date=2020-11-22|website=GitLab|language=en}}</ref>
    Last edited by DreymaR (12-Mar-2021 11:31:17)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    It's definitely poorly worded, especially "One further result is..." gives a false impression.
    I think it would fine to mention it if done more sensibly in a separate paragraph though - mentioning your own Big Bag too. Maybe something along the lines of "..there are also implementations available which support multiple languages by providing additional characters on the AltGr layers, such as DreymaR's Big Bag[?] and EurKey[?]..."   
    ...or something like that.

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,373

    I see no absolute need to involve AltGr layers in the layout's description. Well, maybe... if the US International layout gets mention under the QWERTY entry, etc?

    But the hassle then is that there are so many to choose from. We've had more than EurKEY guy visit these forums with their "genius" proposals! First we'll have to describe Shai's own AltGr layer which is good albeit incomplete, then I'd like to see my Colemak[eD] described and only after that we could start adding EurKEY and other contestants. And ideally there should be at least a little description of their differences and merits (although Wikipedia isn't for judgements). Big hassle, all in all!

    I think it'd be more fruitful to start with the non-Latin script variants, really. The phonetic variants aren't mentioned, and the starting sentence says that Colemak is for Latin scripts only.

    I certainly don't like this blatant attempt to hijack the whole thing.

    Last edited by DreymaR (14-Mar-2021 17:19:08)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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