Is there a write-up somewhere as to how you designed the layout?
i.e did you start with QWERTY (as per Wiki) and make "looks better" swaps, or have assistance from some software/frequency charts, or write find-best-layout.exe or somesuch?
FWIW, since most academically-created-using-fancy-algos layouts tend to suck, I'm having a go using my own approach (rather than Tabu search, swarm/colony or simulated annealing), but given that my last attempt by hand nearly arrived at Colmak, I don't want this to end up as me reinventing your wheels... :-)
I'm using logic to reduce the search space from 32! (a-z , . ' ; / -) down to something sane. Am including dash because it belongs with the letters not the numbers.
Thanks, Ian