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    Breaking The 200WPM Barrier

    • Started by oats
    • 7 Replies:
    • Reputation: 2
    • Registered: 27-Apr-2021
    • Posts: 5

    In January of this year I had 190WPM on QWERTY for the one minute test, people thought I was crazy for wanting to switch, but it was definitely worth it... Finally broke 200WPM as well! This score ranks me at 28th in the world on monkeytype.com

    The layout that I use is my personal modification of Colemak-DH called Colemak-DHv. Bottom left row is simply XVFD and I do not use the angle mod. https://imgur.com/a/o7AUE6z

    My current goal is to train for the Ultimate Typing Championships being hosted in early 2022, last year I placed 15th and this time I want at least top 10. After that, I will focus on breaking Viper's alternate keyboard layout record of 227WPM on the one minute test.


    Last edited by oats (01-Oct-2021 08:31:08)
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    • Reputation: 117
    • From: UK
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    Congratulations on the super speed, an impressive feat - it's pretty much the same speed as reading!
    Are you really using middle finger for that F key? It looks awkward to me, but if you're achieving 200wpm who am I to argue!

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    Thank you Steve! And yeah F is a bit awkward on middle but I’ve just gotten used to it, I’m considering using index instead for that key, I used to hit C with index on QWERTY anyways.

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    • Reputation: 217
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Grats here too! Did I hear a rumor that you're trying out the Angle mod after all now, or was that someone else?

    According to the rules of Server Snob, you are now worth listening to for speed typing advice. Anything you would like to say in light of your newly won trustworthiness?

    Last edited by DreymaR (01-Oct-2021 13:27:25)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    I was trying out angle mod, although I changed my mind after a few days, the keyboard that I use (Das X5Q) has a slightly weird stagger which makes using angle mod positioning more awkward. Sucks because my original plan was to use ColemaQ to get rid of the KN SFB although I guess I'll just have to alt finger it, not a big deal. I personally suggest people use angle mod though.

    As for improving, the simplest way I can put it is that you have to consistently keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone- ie, deliberate practice. I will one day make a lengthy youtube video discussing this in depth, but I think that monkeytype.com is the best website to do this since you are able to toggle long/thicc quotes (which is what the Ultimate Typing Championships are, pretty much) as well as practice with wordlists. My favorite setting is English 10k 120s Punctuation, I intentionally slow down a bit to focus on having the best accuracy possible, it's quite challenging and never gets old and has been very useful for improvement.

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    • Reputation: 217
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,385

    Thanks for those insights! As you may have read, I'm wary of the ColemaQ V-K swap as it makes the CK and VE bigrams more awkward and I find it easier overall to alt-finger NK and LK. I think I asked Viper about it and he agreed with those thoughts, what do you think?

    Let me know when your video's done please, so I can link to it on the BigBag Training page. Maybe I should just paste in this quote too?

    oats said:

    As for improving, the simplest way I can put it is that you have to consistently keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone- ie, deliberate practice. I think that monkeytype.com is the best website to do this since you are able to toggle long/thicc quotes as well as practice with wordlists. My favorite setting is English 10k 120s Punctuation, I intentionally slow down a bit to focus on having the best accuracy possible, it's quite challenging and never gets old and has been very useful for improvement.

    My OCD tendencies will dictate that I correct your "ie" to i.e.id est, the correct spelling and punctuation.  (p〃д〃q)

    Last edited by DreymaR (06-Oct-2021 09:28:45)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    I've personally never had those bigram issues when using ColemaQ, the efficiency difference is so small I guess it's just preference more than anything. I'm starting to practice alt fingering NK / KN anyways. Feel free to add that quote with the correction, I'll post a thread here sometime next year when I do make the video/guide.

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    • Reputation: 217
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,385

    How's this then?

    Hehe, I screwed up and wrote 'CE and VK' above when I meant 'CK and VE' (where Colemak-DH has the rarer CV and KE bigrams). I'm guessing you understood what I meant. Corrected now!

    I certainly think that Colemak-DH CV is an awkward bigram for me. To type it fast I must stretch the index finger away from the middle finger laterally. It feels quite similar to the lateral stretches that made Colemak-DH (and Workman) happen.

    Last edited by DreymaR (06-Oct-2021 12:44:53)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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