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  • Number row finger placement with wide mod

    Number row finger placement with wide mod

    • Started by ddiamondds
    • 1 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 25-Apr-2023
    • Posts: 1

    Sup guys, I've been using Colemak-CAWS for a bit on a staggered ANSI board, and I was wondering which fingers I should use to hit the 3 and 9 on the number row.


    The diagram indicates it's more down to preference between the ring and the middle wrt to these 2 keys, but I've never heard anyone offer explicit advice on the fingering ambiguity here; I've been using the left-hand middle finger to take care of 3 + 4 and right-hand ring finger for 9 and 0. I use the num row a lot, so I'd like to make a correction if I've got it totally backwards, thxxxx!

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,378

    Indeed I left that to your preference, as I figure people are different.

    I mostly use middle for 3 and 9, but if I type, say, 63 on the number row I'll use ring for 3.

    For more extensive number entry use cases, I use the Extend2 NumPad layer (with the EPKL program). A row-staggered NumPad isn't quite ideal, but in my opinion it's a lot better than using the number row for a long time.

    Last edited by DreymaR (26-Apr-2023 08:28:04)

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