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  • How to make a compact version of EPKL for my layout?

    How to make a compact version of EPKL for my layout?

    • Started by salavma
    • 1 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 02-Oct-2016
    • Posts: 4

    Hi all,
    I'm using a modified version of EPKL Cmk eD BeCaFr CAWS Iso on Windows and would like to create a compact version of it so that I can keep it in the cloud and install it on other Windows PCs when necessary. My BigBagKbd Trix folder is 56mb. Is there a way for me to reduce its file size without losing functionality for use on other PCs temporarily? I have searched but can't find an answer to this question. Thanks

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,380

    You should download a Release version, as it has fewer files and no compiler etc included. If you want the newest commit, just have a look at which files the Release version keeps.

    You can safely remove any layout folders that your layout doesn't need. Some layouts point to other layouts' BaseLayout, so make sure you don't nuke anything you actually need. You can for instance rename or zip down the ones you plan to delete first, to ensure that you don't lose them. Since you're using a modified Colemak, you'll probably just need to keep the Colemak BaseLayout(s). Any other variants, locale and otherwise, that you don't use can be removed.

    The most compact way of running EPKL should be to keep your layout (with or without help images) in the same folder as EPKL.exe, and set CompactMode to yes. I haven't tested that in a while though, so let me know if you run into trouble with it. You probably have to change the BaseLayout location pointer in Layout.ini, at the least.

    Last edited by DreymaR (23-Feb-2024 15:10:32)

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      • How to make a compact version of EPKL for my layout?