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  • anymak:COLEMAK -- a new layout concept

    anymak:COLEMAK -- a new layout concept

    • Started by rpnfan
    • 4 Replies:
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    I created a new layout / layer concept, which is called Anymak. I wanted to achieve a super comfortable typing experience. I use a split columnar ergo keyboard, but still regularly need to use my laptop keyboard. I know of Miryoku, Seniply and other suggestions, but they have downsides like not being compatible enough with a standard keyboard. So I combined comfortable to reach one-shot layers, SpaceFN, added bottom-row mods and moved the Shift-key to an easy to reach position. By not using the B-key position on a standard keyboard and only using easy to reach keys I am able  to use the same ergonomic fingering on a standard keyboard and an ergo split columnar keyboard.

    The approach requires either an alphanumeric layout designed around the used key positions or can be adapted to any existing alphanumeric layer -- so can also work with Colemak. Read the article to understand what is needed to adapt Colemak to this unique approach.  When someone has interest to develop a Colemak variant we can discuss that here or on my Github page of Anymak.

    I describe my idea in this article on kbd.news.

    --------------------------- Exrta info  -----------------------

    When you are interested in working on designing an adapted Colemak-variant I would suggest to use the opt Analyzer as a tool. Other analyzers can be used as well of course. One benefit of opt is the great graphical output of the finger traces, which tell a lot and almost let you "feel" how a given layout will be, by looking at the graphic.

    Here as an example the alphanumeric layer for Colemak and Qwerty, for an equal mix of English, German and Dutch. There are is also a symbol layer and a navigation layer (similar to Extend in Colemak terms?).

    Qwertz - German Qwerty variant:


    I personally use my own custom layout, which will be introduced in an upcoming article in about two or three weeks. Before that I shortly used a custom Colemak-like layout, but then decided to go the full way and not limit a new layout in any way. You can read here in the forum why. That is how I came to anymak:END, a layout for English, German and Dutch and works well with many other European languages as well. The relevant graphic looks like that btw.


    Last edited by rpnfan (25-Jan-2025 17:23:48)
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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    However, it's presented in a massive and confusing way here. If you wish to sell it to a larger, not-yet-convinced audience, you may want to provide a clearer pitch? Yes, you link to your article but what you write here is what we see first and go by.

    I will address a few points:

    – No, it's not "Extended in Colemak terms". Please amend that formulation?
    – Firstly, it's "Extend", as in an Extend layer or Extend modifier. "Extended" is an Apple term for the AltGr layers.
    – Extend isn't a "Colemak terms" thing. It arose here in the Colemak community, for sure, but like many of your concepts and other BigBag tools it's layout invariant.
    – Moreover, to me at least a navigation/editing layer isn't properly an Extend layer unless it allows freely combining arrows etc with easily accessible and chordable mods.
    – One-shot functionality like opening a tab are better on a non-chording layer/sequence, such as Extend-tap.

    – You may want to point out where you didn't think up improvements yourself? The Angle mod is largely my invention, but you may credit it to the (Colemak) community.
    – Very nice to see more advocation for it, though! The AKL community also seem positive, although many of them use ergo boards instead.
    – You may want to clarify that what you show is an adaptation to QWERTY known as "Angle Cheat". That's not negative but an improvement on QWERTY.
    – On a layout optimized for the classical typing techique, like Colemak, the Angle mod you show would _not_ work!
    – The most common thing to do with the B key is for Z on ANSI boards, poor things. On my ISO boards, I've used it for LWin, Compose and other functions.
    – See for instance the BigBag or https://www.colemak.org

    I see that like me, you're not an advocate of as-small-as-possible boards, in the interest of having more keys to map. That's nice! And thumb keys on normie boards, too.

    Last edited by DreymaR (24-Jan-2025 15:40:55)

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    Hi Dreymar, just ignore the graphics when they disturb you and the information feels to massive.

    This post is meant as information for anyone looking to optimize comfort and have full compatibility in that sense that typing on a standard and split (columnar) ergo  keyboard can be used in exact the same ergonomic way. Then this person should read the article to understand the concept. All others can just ignore my post. I am just trying to offer a new idea to the Colemak users, which I think can be beneficial for many.

    To your points:

    - I am not a Colemak specialist as you might have observed, so the name might be wrong. But you and everybody will know what I mean. I will call the extra layer-key  "extend" in the future. I never heard of "extended" used on macOS in reference to AltGr, but have not been using a Mac for many years. I did not find that term via a relevant search btw.

    One-shot functionality like opening a tab are better on a non-chording layer/sequence, such as Extend-tap.

    Not sure what you mean here? I only mentioned that I use one-shot for layers -- only for alphanumeric btw. -- so for typing.

    -  I find it total irrelevant who came up with which idea first. Mostly we will never know and likely different people had the same idea at different locations. For example using the hand in what you call "angle mod" has been done for forever. When I learned touch typing back in the days a classmate argued with the teacher that the traditional fingering we were taught does not feel comfortable and she therefore typed with another hand position ("wide-angle"). Many others use a mix between traditional and wide-angle fingering or come up with other more or less crude finger positions. ;-)

    I took the time to explain the Anymak approach in the article in the aim it might benefit others as it helped me. I do not care if others want to use it. It is just a friendly offer for anyone who thinks he can benefit from my thoughts and experiences. What is new in that approach? To my knowledge that is the following:

    a) my approach allows to use exactly the same finger positions on standard and ergo keyboards. From what I see that is not the case for Colemak or Colemak DH, except for Colemak DH used on an ISO-board. Many need to use an ANSI style keyboard and for that my solution works as well. That is a key feature for me, because I still need to use my laptop regularly.

    b) Both shift and symbol layer have dedicated layer keys, which are both symmetrical and also easier to reach than for all/ most of the alternative layouts which normally do only consider the alpha-keys, but not the needed layer-keys. I find that a big miss only to optimize for the alpha-keys.

    The following are not new as such, but

    c)  a great side-effect is that the new placement of the Shift-key works exceptionally well with bottom-row mods for the 3 other needed modifiers Win (OS), Alt, Ctrl.

    d) keeping common practices like using the pinky for Shift can make it a bit quicker to learn and adapt.

    The AKL community also seem positive, although many of them use ergo boards instead.


    On a layout optimized for the classical typing techique, like Colemak, the Angle mod you show would _not_ work!

    You refer to the graphic? That is just an illustration. For me Colemak and Colemak DH are similar enough (with or without angle-mod/cheat or whatever left-hand-bottom-row-fingering you use) that I as a non Colemak user do not care. The problem side of Colemak is the right hand, as I experienced myself. Sure there is a fingering for the specific Colemak variant which is a tad better for the left bottom-row, but in the larger picture and the context here I do not look at that aspect. Of course a Colemak user will and should do that!

    The most common thing to do with the B key is for Z on ANSI boards, poor things. On my ISO boards, I've used it for LWin, Compose and other functions.

    Indeed the B-key position on a standard keyboard should not be used when you want better ergonomics and the compatibility in the sense I explained. What you put on that   key-position is up to the user. Not relevant for the Anymak concept. You can leave it unused or assign a macro, PrintScr or whatever fits your bill ;-)

    I hope the aim of my post is clear now. :)

    EDIT: I edited the original post in the hope to make it as clear as possible.

    Last edited by rpnfan (24-Jan-2025 21:37:46)
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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I meant my comments as helpful advice to reach a broader audience and be better understood, not as any kind of harshness. Hope you didn't read it as that.

    AKL is the Alt Keyboard Layout community, a steaming hotpot for modern layout design. See, e.g., https://bit.ly/alt-layouts-quickstart which is their intro guide.

    Best of luck with your project! As you may have seen on the BigBag pages, we have similar goals in many respects.

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    Thanks DreymaR. Indeed many wishes / ideas we have are similar. I did not perceive your post as harsh. Like I said it is just an offer to anyone who might think he possibly can benefit from my experience. As you know it takes a lot of time to collect and share information in a way others can follow, but I thought in that way I possibly can give something to the AKL, as you name it :-)

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