I am trying to install the Dreymar BigBag mod in order to emulate Colemak-DH on my laptop's keyboard (X220 ThinkPad).
I cloned the repository https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixXKB and ran the installation script. I got a lot of errors...
debian% sh install-dreymar-xmod.sh
install-dreymar-xmod.sh: 166: [[: not found
@@@ DreymaR's Big Bag Of Tricks install script (by OeBeAa, 2016-) @@@
¤ Found mod root dir './xkb-data_xmod'
install-dreymar-xmod.sh: 179: [: all: unexpected operator
¤ Subdirectories to mod: 'all'
install-dreymar-xmod.sh: 188: [: ifnone: unexpected operator
install-dreymar-xmod.sh: 190: [: ifnone: unexpected operator
¤ Backing up: None
install-dreymar-xmod.sh: 208: [: Illegal number:
install-dreymar-xmod.sh: 232: [: no: unexpected operator
install-dreymar-xmod.sh: 232: [: /usr/share/X11: unexpected operator
¤ Installing mod files in '/usr/share/X11/dall'
@@@ WARNING: It seems that setxkbmap w/ local dir isn't working now?! @@@
@@@ install-dreymar-xmod.sh - ERROR: Local files copy error! @@@
It was said on the repo to run this script first, so I did. Please help.