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    'Special characters (only MS Windows/Mac)'

    • Started by ethana2
    • 1 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 09-May-2007
    • Posts: 79

    I was wondering if this is going to change anytime soon...
    OSX uses the x.org windowing system, does it not?  Shouldn't the Linux/*BSD/OpenSolaris implementation be possible to derive from it?  ..or is this at the DE level?
    See, I was trying to figure out why my special characters weren't working... then I cam across that little snippet of text you see in the title.  Now, I kinda want those special characters...  and it'd also be nice to have a greek letter set as well...

    I'm thinking of a new colemak version with the following changes:
    integrated one handed typing
    special characters via altgr \ key
    greek characters via altgr \ shift+key
    caps lock in place of old backspace, for those coders who still use it.

    ..but Shai is probably pretty busy already..  Should we start a roadmap discussion?
    certainly there will be those users who just want to use colemak to /type/, but then there are the

    We've already got the multilingual people taken care of for the most part I think, insomuch as it's practical, but it seems the librarians are tied to proprietary operating systems...  you know, theoretically, there is a librarian or two who types in colemak...

    Or perhaps it's time to step back and say 'wait, linux is just an /operating system/, colemak just a /keyboard layout/, you know...  https://xkcd.com/198/

    http://www.ryanheise.com/typing-test/re … me=ethana2

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    • Shai
    • Administrator
    • Reputation: 36
    • Registered: 11-Dec-2005
    • Posts: 423

    As far as I know, it's not technically possible with Linux/BSD because the keyboard remapping doesn't have that feature, and it would require rewriting parts of the operating system.

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