It looks like a good layout. The only major problem I see is that there is too much work on the pinky corner positions. You'd also want to try to avoid same-finger row jumping, such as with BL digraph.
I noticed that BL problem because it's exactly the same on my Nisa layout (which I designed first). Switching B and K would make it easier to type, but that would hurt finger travel distance, and BL isn't very common to begin with. That's why I decided against it with Nisa. That other layout wasn't designed by me, my program made it. Since my program thinks that the current position of B is better than if you switch B and L, I am considering changing the program so that multiple problems at the same time increase the penalty. For instance, if row jumping costs 30 and finger use costs 40, both might cost 90 instead of 70. Thanks for the feedback, it's very helpful to me.
My typing speed record: