I'll have you know that mine is a proper Inkscape file as well, thus not harder to edit than yours methinks. :)
I too, like being conservative. However, the desire to unlock the power of Vim in all its glory may have led me into... slight... blasphemy!
I do consider the entire navigation block consisting of 'JHLYUNEI' and the delete keys 'O:' very handy. I notice now that the version of my sheet I posted above is an unmodified one for the benefit of non-mappers, so the one I actually use is improved (in my eyes) from that. It's somewhat less drastic than Shai's mappings though.
In actual Vim use however, I don't carry around a printed helpsheet anymore. Instead, I type ':ars' to bring up a frame with an ASCII helpsheet I've made:
"|~ Case |! ExtFlt> |@ PlyMcr· |# <-= |$ ->| |% GoMatch |^ <-- |& Rep :s |* =-> |( |<-Sent |) Sent->| |_ LastLin |+ Next<-- |
"|` Go Mk· |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |0 |<- |- TopLine |= Format> |
"| | Quit | WinNext | | | | =<PgUp> | =<Home> | =<Up> | =<End> | | =<Esc> | |
"| NextTab | =<C-v> | WinCmd | GUIFind | =<Up> | FileInf | BOF | <-- | ScrlUp | ->| | | =<Esc> | |
"| <TAB> |Q PlyMcrQ |W Warp->| |F <-Find· |P <-Prch· |G ScrMid |J ScrTop |L <-WORD |U 5Up |Y WORD-> |; z-Cmd· |{ |<-Para |} Para->| |
"| <TAB> | RecMcr· | Warp > | Find·-> | Prch·-> | g-Cmd· | PgUp | <-word | Up | word-> |: ExLine |[ <-Misc· |] Misc·-> |
" OmniMeta->| AreaVis | | | TabNext | | =<PgDn> | =<Left> | =<Dn> | =<Rght> | =<CR> | | |
" Ctrl----->| AreaAll | Redo | Save | TabNew | DelWord | EOF | =<Dn> | ScrlDn | =<Tab> | JmpOldr | | |
" Shift---->|A AreaLin |R RepMode |S |<-Ins |T Att->| |D Del->| |H ScrBot |N 5Left |E 5Dn |I 5Right |O OpenUp |" SetReg· || GoCol1 |
" Normal--->| Area | Replce· | InSert | ATtach | Delete> | PgDn | Left | Dn | Right | OpenDn |' GoMk·|< |\ (usr)· |
" +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
" | | | | | | | | | | |
" Ctrl+: | Undo | ClpCtLn | ClpCpLn | ClipIns | | Digraph | =<CR> | | | | · = char arg.
"Up/Dn scrl |Z Redo |X <-Cut |C CopyLin |V <-Paste |B RevPpFf |K <-Next§ |M ScrMid |< Unindt> |> Indent> |? <-Find§ | > = move arg.
"PgUp/Dn HL | Undo | Cut-> | Copy > | Paste-> | RepPpFf | Next§-> | Set Mk· |, (usr)· |. Repeat |/ Find§-> |
" +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
"Quick golemak.vim helpscreen - DreymaR, 0812 [columns=149]
"Legend: |<- <-- ->| b/h/eol; Mk mark; Flt filter; Mcr macro; Reg register; = same/ident.; § pattern; Warp change; Area visual; 'Pr(oa)ch 'till.
"NB: Obviously, a sheet such as this cannot possibly cover everything. It's pretty much mode naïve and modes mean a lot, for instance.
" One idea in colemak.vim is to make things more consistent over multiple modes (although you may have to use Meta/Alt in i/c mode!).
"Notes: Some keys (sUQK) are available as g-cmds. Ctrl-Shift-Up/Dn swaps lines. Use r(educed) for i(nner). A count may be used with - _ G |.
"Alt: Hit AND RELEASE the Alt/Meta key and then a letter for menu shortcuts. M-T Tab nav; M-W Win nav; M-R(eturn) Esc;
"Changes: M JHG jh ; X LY C-ly , C-[] C-q C-w () C-ue x_C-D abbrevs (he ed ars/sra). These changes relative to colemak.vim per 080421.
"Missing: C-t (tag stack; only for filetype help now)?, eE, sS (not necessary?), -_ (- taken from gg; swap-map gg to -?)
"Problem: Some C-mappings are "hard-coded" synonyms that cannot be remapped?! n_<C-i>=<Tab> (can be handy?); n_<C-m>=<Enter>; n_<C-p/n>=<Up>/<Dn>
" colemak.vim - redesigned mapping for the Colemak layout for Vim 7.0; 2008-04-21 Shai Coleman, https://colemak.com/ . Public domain.
" golemak.vim - further tweaks (and some untweaks!); 2008-12-02 Øystein Bech "DreymaR" Gadmar, http://folk.uio.no/obech/ . Public domain.
typing ':sra' closes it again. Works like a charm for me, and it's even more easily editable than an Inkscape file!
I called my file 'golemak.vim'; here's how I add the help screen:
" For a Golemak help screen, type :ars and hit Enter (shows the top of this file!) - to close it (and other windows, unfortunately...) use :sra
" Show the colemak.vim helpscreen in a read-only window split (navigate with, e.g., C-w u/e and -/_).
" TODO: Find out how to identify the help window so you could close only that one afterwards?
cnoreabbrev <expr> ars (getcmdtype() . getcmdline() != ':ars' ? 'ars' : '19sview $VIM/golemak.vim\|wincmd w')
cnoreabbrev <expr> sra (getcmdtype() . getcmdline() != ':sra' ? 'sra' : 'wincmd o')