I guess nO_LAG is using his Colemak rather sporadically (and not at all at work!), and his speed is quite consistent with that assumption. Had he made a focused effort towards Colemak speed and accuracy for two months, 30 WPM would have been surprisingly slow for a normally dexterous and acute person - but clearly, that isn't the case here.
Klalkity is correct about former QWERTY speed mattering a lot: Take me, for instance. I typed QWERTY about 55 WPM when I started learning Dvorak. With some effort, I got that speed back and with more effort it improved to 60 WPM. Now, when learning Colemak it was much easier to hit 60 WPM but then progress slowed down again. With focused effort I've been able to improve from there again. But I guess this is quite individual too.
The most important thing is to feel comfortable about typing. Unless you're doing it for a competition, there's no point in getting stressed out and tensed up about it, and for the most part that'll hurt your typing more than anything anyway. Next in importance comes accuracy. Being able to type without correcting errors all the time makes the typing so much more enjoyable, and a lot faster to boot.
Last edited by DreymaR (30-Jun-2009 08:04:55)