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grail chasing--what programs we need

  • Started by klalkity
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i'm sure i'm not the only one who looked at colemak and said, "wow, this is great, but i want even more."  in my case, i wanted a colemak that didn't (in my view) _sacrifice_ so much for goals i didn't agree with or need:  at first, i believed that was similarity to qwerty.  i also came to believe that distance should not be the highest priority (i.e. i was willing to have "only" dvorak's distance in order to improve other metrics).  so colemak was proof to me that we could have something better than colemak if we didn't waste resources on those "goals."  for other grail chasers, they may have a different story.

so i went about building my own.  i came to realize that my initial goals--moderated distance reduction and maximal "same finger" reduction--did not make a very good keyboard.  i realized that i had too many questions about speed.  i needed real data!

the answer was amphetype.  i used it to study my own typing, and found out what was fast for me and slow for me on the trigraph level.

but there are limits to what one person can learn from amphetype.  (1) it's only how i type, not necessarily others.  (2) i have only mastered qwerty, which doesn't include certain possibly fast or slow trigraphs--because they are rarely ever seen in english qwerty (i.e. what is the skilled speed of qwerty's QS* or 3F* rolls?).

but if we could pour typing data from multiple users (using different layouts!) together, we could have a stronger basis for scoring models that include the number row (turkish or czech typists), alt gr, etc.  we need amphetype-like data from real tasks pooled together.

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How much is 'so much'? What does one need to believe in to succeed where others fail, and what are false beliefs? Tricky.

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DreymaR said:

http://warandgame.files.wordpress.com/2 … lieves.jpg

How much is 'so much'? What does one need to believe in to succeed where others fail, and what are false beliefs? Tricky.

Try it yourself if you don't believe me.  Whatever your design goals, you can improve them all if you aren't focused on keeping keys from switching fingers and/or hands.  Take away Colemak's constraints, and you end up being able to lower distance or decrease repeats or whatever other things you care about.  In my case, my model of my own typing behavior shows that with colemak, I would gain 13% speed over QWERTY, but with my own layout I could gain 35%, two and half times as much improvement.  And this is by no means a great layout.  I came about it without any sophisticated search methods, just crap scripts hill climbing for me.

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klalkity said:

I came about it without any sophisticated search methods, just crap scripts hill climbing for me.

Then maybe there's something wrong with your "crap scripts" rather than with Colemak, which has been designed very rigourously.

"Similarity to Qwerty" is often over-rated as a limitation for optimisation, but it's really not so bad.  You can keep Q, W, Z, X, C, V and punctuation characters in place almost "for free" because given their low frequency, they are in good positions already: on the bottom row and in the corners of the layout.  Rare letters will not impact aspects like di/trigraph scores or finger travel a lot, so moving them around will only give you marginal gains (almost within the margins of error).  Then why bother and not just leave them in place?  The rare keys are also the hardest to re-learn; everyone will remember where T and N are after two minutes of practicing any layout, but Z?  And in practice you will have to use Qwerty from time to time, and then the similarity is really a convenience you will appreciate.

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You want to imply that my results are wrong because colemak is more rigorous, hm?  Colemak is secretive about its alleged rigor (but based on my own examinations of it it appears to look for a balance between near maximal distance reduction and near maximal same finger reduction while keeping almost all keys on the same hand as qwerty, minimizing key changes from qwerty, keeping hand balance even, and pinkies underused compared to dvorak--but hey i'm an idiot with worthless inaccurate unrigorous scripts right so I'm sure my analysis is no where near what the secret methods that made colemak really are), whereas I know that my speed model is based on real performance measured by amphetype.  My "crap scripts" are completely accurate in this regard; they are only weak at performing tasks better done by simulated annealing or genetic algorithms, which I didn't make because I am not much of a programmer.  My point is that while I have accurately measured how I type and what is fast and slow, it's unlikely that the keyboard I have found (which gives me 2.5x more advantage over qwerty than colemak does) is even close to the best one.

Anyways, none of this is the point!  The point is that we need a program like amphetype that gathers data from hundreds if not thousands of users so we can figure out what truly slow and fast typing behaviors are.  Basing layouts based on assumptions (carpalx, ddvorak, capewell, colemak) or a single user's own personal typing data (mine) is not good enough.  A distributed data gathering project is needed before we can decide how to make faster layouts, let alone decide that "we can't."

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I don't see the point. Let's say you create a layout that could (theoretically) shave off a few milliseconds - so what? Some people type at 150wpm with Qwerty, Dvorak, Colemak etc., but that doesn't mean that I will. No layout can promise an increase in speed.

"It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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klalkity said:

Try it yourself if you don't believe me.  Whatever your design goals, you can improve them all if you aren't focused on keeping keys from switching fingers and/or hands.  Take away Colemak's constraints, and you end up being able to lower distance or decrease repeats or whatever other things you care about.  In my case, my model of my own typing behavior shows that with colemak, I would gain 13% speed over QWERTY, but with my own layout I could gain 35%, two and half times as much improvement.  And this is by no means a great layout.  I came about it without any sophisticated search methods, just crap scripts hill climbing for me.

What is your layout, if I may ask?  Sounds interesting.  Please consider publicizing.

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Try it yourself if you don't believe me

I guess we doubt that your typing model can accurately predict the typing speed achievable by a layout. Your input data only tells a sampling of your current performance with your current layout.

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Ok guys, here's what I did.  Type a ridiculous amount of stuff into amphetype.  Now look at your trigraphs.  Sort by speed.  What are your fast ones?  What are your slow ones?  Are your fast ones the most frequent?  Are your slow ones the least frequent?  I'm a 100 wpm typist, but  my fast trigraphs are 170-190 wpm.  My slow ones can be 40-50 wpm, or 70, w/e.  Using this data alone, you should easily see how you can project a speed increase.  You can take your fastest finger combinations and make them used more; you can take the slow ones and make them rare.  If you type exactly like me, at 100 wpm, the data from amphetype on my qwerty typing clearly shows that with Colemak I would expect to change to 113 wpm (at least), but 135 with another layout with different design restrictions.

Let me give you one example.  I'm just going to make it up, but you can see how it would work.  Let's say you find that your fastest trigrams, i.e. 190 wpm, are all specific patterns:  IN* (but not for every *, but many), OM*, EV*.  You could then conclude that high row middle finger followed by a bottom row index is, under certain conditions (which you can figure out!), _fast_.  Now let's say you find that all of your slow trigraphs either involve shift on one or more character or switching hands twice, such as Ash, or ale.  Or maybe you find that they are only slow if they roll backwards.  etc.  You want me to believe that these generalizations would be useless for other keyboards?  Why?  It's at least a step in the right direction.  How can you say that looking at the evidence and trying to make rules that describe it is inferior to merely taking metrics you find valuable and trying to put weights on them?  You seem to have it completely backwards.

But again, the point of this thread is that developing a keyboard based on one user's data (or less) is pretty stupid.  We need an amphetype that puts together _everyone's_ finger/hand/trigraph data.

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Yeah, I don't buy into the sovereignty of Colemak based on the rigorousness alone either. But I do prefer Colemak over grail chasing these days. My intuitive understanding of the situation is that your grail may be too individually based, and not improve enough on the performance of Colemak/Dvorak to be worth it. Plus, I really like not changing more keys than necessary so it's easy to go back and forth between Colemak and the inevitable rounds of QWERTY I have to cope with.

I like the idea of polling together a load of users' amphetypeoid data. The thing is, I believe your stats to be heavily influenced by which layouts you know well. So my data now would be different from back when I knew Dvorak better than Colemak, of course, and different again if I'd gone directly from QWERTY. Eventually, I'll get to where my data reflects mostly the two parameters of me and Colemak (and a little influence from keyboard hardware, seating position, what I'm writing and other confounds naturally).

I think that getting something really useful out of it would take a lot of users though, since I believe the confounds to be many and significant. But if it gets rolling, I'd seriously consider contributing my own data set; I'm not interested in doing any development work but that much I could do.

Last edited by DreymaR (05-Nov-2009 08:44:32)

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You seem to have it completely backwards.

If you read my other posts, you'll see I don't believe in metrics either (other than as a guide to find starting points). Your method seems better, especially for getting "cheap" results tailored for yourself (your method is geared using your current technique rather than learning new ones).

What I mean is that you assume that typing is a linear combination of rolls. Put them together, add the sums and out comes the typing time. I submit that this assumption is not true. Only a subjective evaluation of a layout can determine how comfortable and fast it is.

I have also made some small modifications to Colemak, and have also made a programming symbol secondary layout. In both cases I was computer aided, but when fine tuning, subjective and aesthetic evaluations proved more successful in the end.

I think that getting something really useful out of it would take a lot of users though

An arbitrary sampling of many users would probably make it skewed towards qwerty techniques as "fast" techniques.

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tomlu said:

An arbitrary sampling of many users would probably make it skewed towards qwerty techniques as "fast" techniques.

Are you sure about that? Theoretically, we wouldn't even need to have letters on the keyboards. The point being made is that human fingers, with very common limitations based on the mechanical structure of the joints and what not, will necessarily have speed constraints based on alliteration, rolling, same-finger, same-key, etc.

Nerve impulse firing speed is a known quantity, which is why same-finger and same key gets the penalties it does with the current measuring methods. In another thread, I noticed that I often mistype the common "io" combination, which is over six times more common than it's "oi" couterpart, and because the shape of the hand indicates outward to inward rolls are much faster than inward to outward, that too can be measured independently of layout.

So far as I know, neither of these things were considered in the construction of Colemak, or even other keyboard layouts. Dvorak is deeply flawed simply because of L being placed on the right pinkie, in non home-row positions no less. All of the existing keyboard layouts make mostly rudimentary assumptions about finger travel without taking into account that the index and middle fingers are highly mobile, especially when switching hands. They basically take the keyboard-centric approach instead of a hand-centered approach, which is still an improvement over QWERTY and it's ilk, but it's only really the first step.

I mean, consider if the positions of E and I were switched in Colemak. It would be terrible for IE rolls. Yet this is exactly what happened with. Heck, try this if you have a Linux system handy:

grep io /usr/share/dict/words | perl -p -e 's/.*(io).*/$1/g; chop' | wc -c
grep oi /usr/share/dict/words | perl -p -e 's/.*(oi).*/$1/g; chop' | wc -c

You'll get 10498  for the first one and 1736 for the second. This indicates that with just the basic English dictionary included with most Linux systems, io happens 6 times more often than oi. Now let's try it with IE and EI:

grep ie /usr/share/dict/words | perl -p -e 's/.*(ie).*/$1/g; chop' | wc -c
grep ei /usr/share/dict/words | perl -p -e 's/.*(ei).*/$1/g; chop' | wc -c

That gives us 9240 and 1756! That's actually just 5.3x more often. So, not only is the ratio higher for IO over OI, it's higher than IE versus EI, which are both on stronger fingers due to the letter frequency. But how do we really know how this affects typing speed? Do the rolls overcome the individual usage?

And these are just one aspect of all the things that likely go into a good layout based on finger mechanics completely independent of the actual layout. These would apply just as validly to QWERTY and Dvorak. Look at QWERTY, and try to type "ion", then try "coin". Since I and O are right next to each other, just not using the pinkie, you can see that the roll is much faster, but again, since I appears about 40% more often in English, this may overcome the difference.

This is the kind of research I think the parent poster wants. An actual study on average finger movements over a keyboard based on key position, not the actual lettering of the key. Is an index->middle always slower than a middle->index combo on the same hand. Extended to the entire hand, a whole masters thesis could probably be done on just that single metric. Can stronger fingers, despite possibly longer travel, overcome the effect gained by adjacent letters on weaker fingers? We don't know because nobody has actually run those studies. We're just guessing based on intuition, and that's not scientific.

But an observation of several thousand typists, so long as we know their chosen layout, will give us this valuable data, it will tell us which key combinations are actually fastest in practice with a weighted average and standard deviation and several other metrics we don't have now. What Colemak does is introduce the valuable insight that computer-aided measurements produce a better layout, so why not take it to the next logical conclusion?

I'll stop rambling now. :p

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Persuasive argument there, trifthen.

Klalkity: Consider me in.

Last edited by simonh (05-Nov-2009 18:22:43)

"It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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  • Shai
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* There have been loads of debates of inwards rolls vs outwards rolls. I've reached the conclusion is that it's very much a personal thing.

* As has been said before, the pinky can easily type things on the home position, it's when it needs to move around compounded by same finger that it gets tiring (e.g. try typing qzqzqz etc.)

* The ring finger is the least agile finger. The yo/oy digraph occurs about 7 times more often than the yi/iy digraph, so same finger and speed will suffer.

* According to your methodology the 'ti' digraph is a lot more common than the 'th':
grep th /usr/share/dict/words | perl -p -e 's/.*(th).*/$1/g; chop' | wc -c
grep ti /usr/share/dict/words | perl -p -e 's/.*(ti).*/$1/g; chop' | wc -c
Word frequencies are useless. You need to build a large high-quality balanced text corpus, and then run statistics off of that.

* While speed might be important, and while having _high quality and statistically significant_ timing information would be valuable information, it's not the only metric that should considered. Bad statistics can be worse than no statistics.

* You can't focus on one small aspect of the keyboard layout without thinking how it will affect things overall.

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it will tell us which key combinations are actually fastest in practice

It will tell you which key combinations are slow for a given layout, and it makes sense to try to address these.

What I was trying to say is that you can't just say "NE rolls take 1.2ms, IO rolls take 2.3 ms" and so on, then change the layout, add up the numbers and out comes the typing time for any given piece of text. If you read my first post I wasn't really objecting to the method but to the claim that "here's my new layout, it improves typing time by 35%".

While the method will probably yield a great starting point, I think as you approach the optimum the fine tuning of a layout stops being quite so scientific and becomes more of an art.

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Shai said:

* There have been loads of debates of inwards rolls vs outwards rolls. I've reached the conclusion is that it's very much a personal thing.

Fair enough. But when I drum my fingers on a table, it's impossible not to notice that giong out->in is easy, while the reverse is ridiculously slow, arduous, and inconsistent. But I'm old. :p

Shai said:

* The ring finger is the least agile finger. The yo/oy digraph occurs about 7 times more often than the yi/iy digraph, so same finger and speed will suffer.

See, that's a valid point. Someone brought that up elsewhere, and thinking about that, I certainly wouldn't want to type YOU (for example) with the ring finger having both Y and O.

Shai said:

* Word frequencies are useless. You need to build a large high-quality balanced text corpus, and then run statistics off of that.

Noted. I actually downloaded Carpalx and noticed the included corpus produced far different results and made me think about the overall picture.

* You can't focus on one small aspect of the keyboard layout without thinking how it will affect things overall.

Exactly. People don't type in a vacuum. I proposed the OI vs. IO theory, which you've pointed out is probably short-sighted, because it was considered in isolation of basically everything else. Scientists have analyzed how fast Usain Bolt can possibly run by mapping muscle contractions, bone structure, and so on. I really wish someone out there did the same thing with hand structure considering how many millions of people type, and actually sat down and created a keyboard that was both ergonomic for the human hand, and balanced for trigraphs, finger repetitions, hand balance, weighted against theoretical finger mobility and muscle percentage distribution.

Designing a keyboard is only an art because we don't have the research to do it "right." :p

But hey, so far Colemak is the best known keyboard layout out there, so it's not like I'm saying it's crap. I just like to ask questions, is all. Thanks for answering them, by the way!

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Okay, thank you for the thoughtful responses.  I see two real objections here, and at the end of this post I'll reiterate my main point of this thread.

First, there seems to be the idea that my method of trying to maximize fast trigraphs and trying to minimize slow trigraphs will not work because the unit of speed and slowness is bigger than a trigraph, or doesn't exist at all in objectively study-able reality.  My response to this would be that I didn't know that "rolls" were larger units than trigraphs or outside of objective reality altogether.  I kind of felt that other keyboard optimizations, for the most part, were based on _smaller_ units of speed than the trigraph (mainly bigraph), oblivious or _wrong_ about hand switching, for instance.  I have to say that there must be a useful unit of speed, and if three strokes is too small, then perhaps four, five, or more, could ultimately capture whatever "roll" characteristic you speak of.

[In my own typing data, I have found that the fastest pattern I type is to type two characters on one hand and then switch to the other hand, but I confess I haven't searched for patterns larger than trigraphs and cannot justify that some larger piece would not yield even more useful results.  What I can say is that my method has been able to fit my typing behavior in a productive way more than other metrics that seem to operate with units smaller than the trigraph.]

Secondly, there seems to be the idea that this only would maximize existing techniques and not push new ones.  This is true, but how else can we base our typing model but on extant typing techniques and reasonable extrapolations from them?  There are trigraph strokes (i.e., three key combinations) that never happen when typing English on a QWERTY, and likewise ones you won't type on Colemak.  But if we take typing data from decent sized groups of both kinds of typists, we can learn _new things_ because they both have different "blind spots" in their data.  But of course, there may be combinations that aren't typed in _any_ layout, that _no typist_ does.  It's up to us to generalize about what is fast or slow, and then try to use such generalizations to predict combinations that aren't even used.  For instance, a certain pinky/index lefthand -> right hand almost anything trigraph might show itself to be fast.  Should we assume similar things about opposite hand even with no data?  It's a judgment call.  The result will be layouts that fill in more of the grey area.  Of course there may turn out to be certain combinations that even our most daring generalizations don't lead us to.  We may never get data on them unless someone forces them into a layout purely to see what happens when multiple people become good at typing them.

I believe that after we accumulate data from multiple users in a meaningful way we will be able to identify things that are fast "for some", and assume that others _could_ be fast at it too, with enough skill, and then build a layout based around maximizing all the stuff that people manage to do fast.  At the same time, we could generalize about what seems to be slow for the most people, and minimize that too.  This is the point of the thread.  I am not able to spend the development time to get something like amphetype to put together data from multiple users in a meaningful way so we can hunt for information on truly slow/fast typing behaviors.

Shai is also right that there is more to keyboards than speed, but I'm curious as to what empirical basis we have for integrating these into our layouts.

P. S. Dreymar I don't understand why you think the gains of my "grail" may be negligible.  Too individualistic (at the moment, but clearly this is because of limited data and nothing more) yes, but negligible?  2.5x the projected speed gain is not negligible.  This is with a keyboard that retains qwerty similarities, but less than Colemak does.  For the sake of the argument I have also used my data and predictions to create layouts that have the same Qwerty similarities (and more) than Colemak:

Say a QWERTY user has 77.37 wpm.
The same exact ability with my preferred layout, they should have 104.49 wpm.  But 8 more keys have to change to completely new positions; 3 additional keys change fingers compared to Colemak.
Now, if you want to increase qwerty similarity more, to tie Colemak, I have a layout that lets you type 98.34 wpm (Colemak should give me 87.46).  Why can I surpass Colemak even if I keep Qwertiness similar?  Colemak also has slightly more distance, so that can't be it.  The reason is probably that Colemak balances the hands better, uses pinkies less--not that mine don't do this at all, only that Colemak has paid to do it more than I have.  I think the main reason though is that no other layouts isolate or attempt to increase fast patterns--most only do ergonomic things and decrease slow patterns (often on a bigraph level only).
I also have a layout that is _more_ QWERTY similar than Colemak, with an expected speed of 93.83.  It is significantly more like QWERTY than Colemak, and still less distance.
And finally I have two more layouts, even more similar to QWERTY, where the user would expect to have 93.72 wpm and 92.34 wpm respectively.
Based on this experience, granted with data based _only_ on myself, I have no reason to believe grail chasing will be unproductive in terms of coming up with a significantly better keyboard.  IMO speed has barely been pursued.

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klalkity said:

P. S. Dreymar I don't understand why you think the gains of my "grail" may be negligible.


Say a QWERTY user has 77.37 wpm.
The same exact ability with my preferred layout, they should have 104.49 wpm.

That statement there, is where I call big fat BS. You admit that your improved layout is highly individualized for you (and your layout history not the least!), but then you generalize like that. Big no.

You have no proof whatsoever that I could type the speeds you claim with your layout, and when we do the proposed data collection of a large (and diverse!) enough typist population I feel that we'll end up with something that while it won't let you type as fast as easily as your own one does, it probably won't be notably/measurably (reliably!!!) faster for the average user than Colemak - at the cost of some neat design principles. Which wouldn't be worth it.

One sentiment might be that everyone should indeed make their own layout in these days where layouts can be installed on the fly. But I won't go to such steps for myself and prefer hanging with the Colemak crowd. I also don't know how reliable criteria for the individual layout might be made: If I were to make myself a layout now it'd only show what I could type fast on now and now a couple of years from now. By that criterium, I should never have left QWERTY!

A large corpus of typing data might prove me wrong... if we could make it. If you manage to, make sure you get enough information on each typist: Age, RSI episodes, layout history (x years with QWERTY, then y years/months/weeks with WHATHAVEYOU, then...) etc etc. Otherwise you're bound to find out too late that some big confound messes up your analysis and that'd be a pity after a long and arduous data collection phase.

Last edited by DreymaR (06-Nov-2009 13:01:45)

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DreymaR said:

That statement there, is where I call big fat BS. You admit that your improved layout is highly individualized for you (and your layout history not the least!), but then you generalize like that. Big no.

I'm not so sure about that. Isn't he making the same assumption as Colemak/Dvorak, etc.? That human hands are similar enough that a single layout can optimize movement, distance, and so on? The only variable klalkity seems to be adding is muscle firing sequence optimizations. I seriously doubt a significant difference exists here, or doctors would never attempt to work on the human body. Yes, everyone's hands are different, but it's not like the data klalkity has obtained is useless because he types with elephant tusks or something. He has regular, human hands, with the same musculature, ligaments, tendons, average size variations, as basically everyone else, aside from the obvious outlying samples.

I'm of the opinion that if his data shows that much of a difference, further samples will likely follow a classic Bell curve. If he's anywhere within the first standard deviation, that's a huge win.

Now, if only he would stop being so mysterious, and share his damn layouts, already. :p

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Hasn't history proven that Dvorak is not significantly faster than Qwerty, despite its many improvements? And that comfort/reduced chance of injury are more important factors?
Bearing that in mind, I'm not sure it's a good idea to define the 'best' layout as the one that is theoretically fastest.

Now it may turn out that the fastest layout may be the most comfortable. But being 10% faster won't mean it's 10% more comfortable.

I think Colemak is already close to optimal within the restraints of the stupidly asymmetrical standard keyboards we have.

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rajagra said:

I think Colemak is already close to optimal within the restraints of the stupidly asymmetrical standard keyboards we have.

I would be a sad panda if that is the case, but what can you do?

Well, maybe I can pick up one of these, but it scares me. :p

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DreymaR, sorry if I was too ambiguous.  Clearly the only hypothetical user for which my data works is myself.  But if we/I had used data that fit more typists, no doubt the same possibility exists for them as well.  I don't see signs of Colemak doing what I did, but with a larger data set.  Do you?

edit:  So I don't believe there is a solid case that Colemak so close to optimal that we shouldn't try to look further.  Without even looking into it, there are good reasons to expect this not to be the case.  And in my own "case study" of my limited data, it certainly wasn't.  Therefore, I conclude that we should at least keep our minds open about the issue--that it may be possible to significantly improve on Colemak unless we accept all its restrictions and metrics as complete and correct without any doubts.

Clearly in my own case I started out trying to make something with the same metrics as Colemak but with less restriction (the idea being that there is no free lunch, so if we don't keep Qwertiness the same we should see some kind of improvement).  I made about twenty significant versions of my keyboards in this pursuit, installing and typing on about a third of those, before I realized that there were other goals, other metrics, that mattered more to me.  Clearly all this isn't conclusive, since it's only based on my typing behaviors, but I think it should make us suspect that at least more investigation is warranted and that settling for something a little better than dvorak (like Colemak) might not be right without a lot more data on what is fast/slow, which is possible if some scripter makes it so.

When I first found my new "metrics" based on my amphetype typing data, what I found is that dvorak was indeed flawed.  While way better than QWERTY, it actually seemed to minimize both "fast" trigrams and "slow" ones, probably because it thought hand switching was ideal, but perhaps also because it optimized so much for other metrics that it "took away" from even average performance in metrics it didn't know about.  In my own very limited, personal data on myself--very preliminary(!!!), but still interesting for terms of hypothesizing, I found interesting things like this:  14.3% of the trigraphs you type in QWERTY are what I identify as "fast" patterns [everything I'm saying here is only about my limited, preliminary data and this would clearly change if we talked about a bigger sample of typists, etc. but bear with me].  With colemak that goes up to 17.4%, which seems to confirm that it does in fact have "better rolls."  Dvorak lacks this improvement, actually going down from QWERTY to 11.9%.  But Dvorak also has a lower rate of "slow" trigraphs than QWERTY--however in my estimation, Colemak is faster overall, because the "fast" increase outweighs the "slow" decrease.

But what I found was that the "fast" trigraphs weren't really optimized for (very much), so I wanted to make a keyboard that had less "slows" than Dvorak _and_ "more fasts" than Colemak.  I actually found that Capewell's evolved layout had even more fasts than Colemak, but also more slows (Colemak was still better).  But at least it gave me something to shoot for.  And later on I found that carpalx's layouts had much more "fasts" and actually seemed to be improving on them.

None of the above had to turn out the way it did, so it reinforced my idea that my data wasn't 100% personal.  Capewell's evolved program was more aware of and deliberate in not ruining hand switching.  Carpalx even more so.  Dvorak does the opposite, and Colemak does this a little with its "rolls" philosophy.  But in my own layout, I've gotten "fasts" up to 27.5% of all trigraphs typed, and "slows" down to 32.%, so I'm happy with that.  I know that with more data and a better searching program I could do even better, but at the least I'm pretty confident that settling for Colemak is not something any of my experience has led me to do.  I have been consistently led away from that by any data I've worked with.

But I'm not the best scripter out there and so I'm hoping that someone will be willing to make it more possible to generalize typing data from different persons using different layouts and put them together so that we can look for fast/slow patterns that ring true for multiple people.  Coming up with keyboards that offer different mixtures of fast patterns, slow patterns, balance, low distance, qwerti similarity, or other factors could naturally only come after this reasonable step is achieved first.

Last edited by klalkity (07-Nov-2009 16:44:34)
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I've had an interesting thought: Dvorak is fast, no doubt about that. Whether it can be proved that it's faster than QWERTY for most typists may be debatable still, but it does have the merit of having nurtured several typists among the world's fastest including the fastest of them all.

This from a layout that maybe minimizes trigraph speed.

What if trigraph speed isn't all that great? What if an even rhythm (like hand alternation promotes) really is key to superior speed? The proof of the pudding, what if it is in the eating?

I really think that fast rolls and suchlike may be a great boon. And Ryan Heise types ever faster using them in bursts, slowing down for hard parts and speeding up for easy ones. But still... Dvorak may be pessimal to certain metrics; and yet those metrics may turn out to not tell us much about the intended end point. At all?

I'm still with tomlu et al on this: Metrics are hard to use well (without huge, well-founded studies). Possibly too hard.

*** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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You misunderstood, DreymaR.  Dvorak decreases the frequency of my fastest motions.  But it also decreases the frequency of my slowest, too, reduces distance, and other possibly good things.  My model still accounts for Dvorak's advantages.

We don't need huge, well-founded studies, just data from a few hundred users, gathered in a a systematic way.  One good program that many people agree to run would do this.

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So, how and when did you want our Amphetype data? I've fiddled with it, and am amused that "ion" is my fastest trigram, at 300wpm. I find that a little odd, but whatever. It also says all of my fastest trigrams are above 145, and that my right hand is way, way faster than the left. Not quite sure what would cause that.

I'll fill in a few more tests in the next couple days to get a more complete corpus. I imported a 450 page book and have been doing snippets of that through the day.

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