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    The Typing of the Dead

    • Started by RevRal
    • 9 Replies:
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    Go buy it:
    http://www.amazon.com/Typing-Dead-Pc/dp … 905&sr=8-2

    So I was on the phone, talking to an old friend and associate, whom I moved away from. I brought up the subject of colemak, and I was complaining about how the training was boring and tedious.

    All he said was "hmm." So, I assumed he didn't care much. Well, a surprise came in the mail for me yesterday. He sent me his copy of Typing of the Dead. Why didn't I know of this game's existence?

    I've been playing this thing non-stop. I can't say it has helped my speed... but it certainly helped my typing reaction time haha. And probably my accuracy too. Great fun.

    There's a link to the demo on colemak's learn page: https://colemak.com/Learn

    IGN's review: http://dreamcast.ign.com/articles/165/165674p1.html

    I don't see any other posts recommending this. Give it a try!

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I had to check whether the forum search was broken since you couldn't see anything. But it found more than one page of hits, so it's not.

    Really fun game! Haven't played it in a while now, though.

    Last edited by DreymaR (23-Nov-2009 09:19:25)

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    DreymaR said:


    I had to check whether the forum search was broken since you couldn't see anything. But it found more than one page of hits, so it's not.

    Really fun game! Haven't played it in a while now, though.



    Well this wouldn't be the first time this has recently happened to me. My password database software wont autotype unless I'm using qwerty, so I often forget to switch back to Colemak. And I multi-task to such a ridiculous degree, I often don't look at what I'm typing if it's brief.

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    Hi guys,
    I am a new Colemak user, and also new to the world of touch typing as well. One of my friends showed me this awesome typing game and I simply cannot figure out how to get the game to read the Colemak layout. I have the setup installed on my computer, i also have tried using the portable version of Colemak and autohotkey. I have looked at some other thread and the users have said it was one of their methods for learning (which means they some how got it to work.) Anyone known how i can get this game to work with the Colemak layout?

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    Perhaps you forget to go to TOTD's settings and set the keyboard to US.

    You install Colemak in Windows 7 or XP, SET Colemak AS the DEFAULT layout and everything will be fine.

    Last edited by Tony_VN (24-Apr-2011 10:56:59)
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    Ah, I feel stupid now but it works, I've been doing the "QWERTY by day and the Colemak by night" approach, due to that it wasn't default. Thanks for the help, I'm looking forward to lots of play time/training with this game. =P

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    For some reason, PKL only worked 99% percent for me: Mostly fine, but the dollar sign didn't work. Only really a problem in the special character drills.

    Still, I started using an installed Colemak instead because of that annoyance. I've mapped Alt+Shift+2 to switch to the Colemak layout, so after I've started up TotD I can press that key combination to get Colemak.

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    For the $ sign: Go to ToTD settings and set the keyboard type to US, not UK.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Thing is, I had that. No idea why it still didn't work.

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    Tony: Typer Shark is still being sold isn't it? In that case, you really shouldn't promote pirating of it. Certainly not on this site I believe.

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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