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    completion and typing speed.

    • Started by bmx007
    • 15 Replies:
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    I have started learning touch typing recently (Colemak obviously)  but have been working as programmer for year. So I use to lots of tab completions (in shell or vim). However i find myself  ( and lots of people I am working with) spending my time to 'complete' and then doing lots of backspace to revert the completion. So, I am wondering if touche typer (with a decent speed) use completion or just type stuff (and do not need then to waste time 'uncompleting').
    In the same way, when you use completion you only type the beginning of the words, so are the letter frequencies the same ?(  In french , for examle the letter z is quite common at the end of the words, as it's use to conjugate the 2nd person of the plural, but it's quite rare otherwise. I suppose , except the 's' and the 'ing' statistics should be similar in english).

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    Why would you undo your completion in the first place? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of completion?

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    Because usually I m starting to complete toi early (I mean with not enought letters) so I end up with too many choices, then I have to go back , remove all the letters resulting from the last completion, add a couple of letter more and then complete again. I m not saying that happen all the time (otherwire I won't use completion) but when I happend , it's taking quite a long time. ( I m sure I can try to use completion more cleverly but that means I need to think before completing which take time too , that's why I m thinking if I was typing fast enough I could just type stuff).

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    As I'm getting faster with Colemak, I find it a welcome luxury to not have to rely on quite as many crutches as before. Instead of doing some fancy editing operation I may often simply type in the correct text from scratch since I can do it fast now. So maybe the same will apply to completion. Also, when typing you train your typing which is in my interest so I take the opportunities to type those words as a little exercise in the hope that it'll do me good.

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    Ah, I see. I'd say if you want that process to get faster, learn how many letters the words need before completion. That should give you some improvement. I don't tab-complete much, unless I'm in for some very tedious task (like nicknames on IRC).

    And to your second question, yes, the letter frequencies change, but I think marginally. Especially if you mean the first syllable.

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    My goal is to complete faster but to type faster , and completion was quite efficient before I can touch type. However the overall gain of completion is sometime broken my miscompletion, so I m thinking If i was typing fast enough, I won't need it. As Dreymar just said, not completing is a opportunity to practice colemak too so I'll try to not complete to much.

    I can't really learn how many letters I need before completing because except in a few cases, I m completing filenames so the number of letter depend of other files (which are not necessarily mine).

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    About the files: I don't know what shell you use, but Bash won't add any addidional letters until a unique match is found.

    Last edited by kqr (22-Jan-2010 12:14:30)
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    I use bash, and it doesn't add letters indeed, but sometimes there are too many files starting with the same letters, and as I don't know how to reset the completion (I'm sure there is a way , but that's not the purpose of this topic) I have to delete by hand all the letters corresponding to the last completion displayed to reset "manually" the completion.

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    • From: Belgium
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    I also use tab completion a lot (mainly in zsh where it is very powerful), but primarily because I'm just lazy, not because it's faster. :-)  In certain situations it is indeed faster to just type the words completely from the first time.

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    ghen said:

    I also use tab completion a lot (mainly in zsh where it is very powerful), but primarily because I'm just lazy, not because it's faster. :-)  In certain situations it is indeed faster to just type the words completely from the first time.

    Is zsh completion better than the bash one, and how ?

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    bmx007 said:

    Is zsh completion better than the bash one, and how ?

    It is context-sensitive and programmable, and many useful extensions are included by default.  Eg. tab-completion on the contents of a tar archive (for tar -x), tar completion across ssh connections (for scp), tab completion of command-line arguments for many programs, etc etc.  The simplest one I can no longer miss, is that "cd <tab>" only lists directories, not files.

    I think recent bash has some of these available too, but they just copied from zsh. ;-)

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    Seems pretty similar to what the actual bash do, except maybe the over ssh bit, so i don't need to switch to zsh so far .

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    I don't know about bash, maybe it caught up.  But I've been using tcsh and then zsh forever now.

    Last time I used bash (3.0), cd+<tab> listed files, too.

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    Also, if you're used to bash, I've heard http://fishshell.org/index.php is very good.

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    For vim, set the option 'completeopt' (abbr 'cot') to include 'longest':

    set cot+=longest

    Completion will then insert only the longest common prefix.  If 'cot' already contains 'menu' (which it does by default), you will also be shown a pop-up list of possible completions.  You can type letters one-by-one to shrink this pop-up until you zero in to the desired full completion.  There is never a need to backspace. 

    I am also puzzled that you say bash requires you to backspace during completion.  Longest-prefix-so-far is a strategy that shouldn't require backspacing ever, unless you explicitly typed something that's patently wrong.

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    ds26gte said:

    I am also puzzled that you say bash requires you to backspace during completion.  Longest-prefix-so-far is a strategy that shouldn't require backspacing ever, unless you explicitly typed something that's patently wrong.

    I m not saying I m using the completion at is best , nor saying than that's always hapenning. I can give you , if you are really interested a full example of how it could happend, but I was more asking a general typing question that how to improve my 'completion skills' ;-)

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