I'm finding it hard to find information about correct finger and hand technique on the web (I have tried.)
This is a touch typing question rather than a Colemak question. I assume there are experienced touch typists here, that may be able to offer help.
As I am self taught (6 months with Dvorak touch typing), I'm not sure:
* whether the keyboard should be positively or negatively tilted
* how near my body should be to the keyboard
* whether I should be hitting keys with the tips or the underside of my fingers
* what the height of the keyboard should be - from the ground or better still relative to elbows
* if my forearms should have a positive incline or a negative incline
Nothing I have tried so far feels totally comfortable. Perhaps it is part of the teething process.
Have you jostled your environment about until you reached a sweet spot?
I am feeling a lot of discomfort typing (specifically neck and shoulder). I experienced pain before I learnt to touch type, but it has gotten worse.
I have followed garnered advice from the web about correct posture: keep feet flat, sit upright, distance the screen at arms' length, place monitor directly ahead with eyes aligned with it's top, keep thighs almost parallel with floor, keep wrists straight, elbows close to body etc.
I've tried various things such as sitting on an exercise ball, using a stool, standing, abandoning the mouse and a few other things out of desperation.
What I am missing from following on-line tutorials is some precious human coaching.
Any advice/tips appreciated.
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