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    My typing test has moved to a new website

    • Started by ryanheise
    • 18 Replies:
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    • From: Australia
    • Registered: 22-Oct-2007
    • Posts: 47

    Greetings fellow Colemak fans.

    I would just like to let you know of the new URL of my typing test game. It has now moved to:


    It's my new games website with a huge collection of... "one" game. More later ;-)

    Anyway, the reasons for the move were:

    1. I needed an account/login system to prevent hackers who were becoming increasingly troublesome.
    2. It didn't really make sense for it to exist on my personal website.
    3. I plan to build a larger collection of games, and there is some benefit to sharing game statistics for different games in a single system.

    Unfortunately, this move means that all of the highscores are gone. Well, they still exist at the old site for historical purposes, but at the new site you will need to achieve a new highscore from scratch. Maybe for people who haven't tried it in a while, now is your chance to see how much you've improved.

    Please let me know if you notice any bugs in the new system, and you also may like to update your urls to point to the new website, like I have done in my signature below (btw, the new permalink urls were inspired by youtube's url naming scheme).

    So I hope you will have some fun with the new system :-)

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    • Shai
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    I've updated the links on the website.

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    Not feeling the love.  I tried to register on the new site and when I clicked on the link sent in the email, the website keeps reporting "incorrect key".   Cookies are enabled.  I even set it up to specifically allow cookies from that site.  Same error.

    UPDATE:  apparently it's a problem if you are flipping back and forth between two browsers.  My email is set up to use Firefox for some technical reasons, but I most often using Safari.

    I made the the top ten list!   yeah!    just how long will that last ?    :-)

    Last edited by keyboard samurai (13-Jan-2008 17:11:15)
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    keyboard samurai said:

    Not feeling the love.  I tried to register on the new site and when I clicked on the link sent in the email, the website keeps reporting "incorrect key".   Cookies are enabled.  I even set it up to specifically allow cookies from that site.  Same error.

    UPDATE:  apparently it's a problem if you are flipping back and forth between two browsers.  My email is set up to use Firefox for some technical reasons, but I most often using Safari.

    Phew! I was trying to investigate this and it had me worried, but I guess it is not actually a problem with the code, just with the error message being unhelpful.

    I made the the top ten list!   yeah!    just how long will that last ?    :-)

    I'll go to sleep now, and see what has happened in the morning :-) Your record URL on the new site is http://hi-games.net/typing-test/watch?u=14

    (Shai, thanks for updating it! That was very quick :-)

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    To Ryan: I dont think that it is a good idea putting the chat box there, people are abusing it.

    Also, could you have a look at my post at https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=309

    Last edited by jag50 (13-Jan-2008 21:10:55)
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    jag50 said:

    To Ryan: I dont think that it is a good idea putting the chat box there, people are abusing it.

    I've seen this sort of thing happen before and so I should have known what to do to stop it. The solution is to block anonymous guests from posting, and only allow authenticated users to post (such users would be bound by the site rules not to post offensive content, and such users can also be easily banned temporarily or permanently). I feel sad that there are such people in the world, but let's not let them force us to remove chat boxes that would allow genuinely friendly people to meet each other. But, I'll see how this change works over the next few days.

    Also, could you have a look at my post at https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=309

    Ah, that's a good idea. Two possibilities: it could be either a projection of your estimated WPM after finishing the test, or it could be a short-term WPM measurement of your speed over the last 5-10 seconds. When I get some more time, I will see if I can implement something like this.

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    • Reputation: 217
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Ryan, I've noticed one thing: If you're not in the top ten (and not in the mood to scroll down the highscore list), then clicking someone's replay link does not show their actual score until the end of the replay! Before, there was a heading stating that so-and-so types at ## WPM - you may not want that back but there should be a mention of the number before the replay finishes.

    Alternatively, make it so you can grab a scroll bar and choose where in the replay you want to be watching at all times. That might be a useful thing in itself.

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    Thanks for pointing that out. I have put the WPM back into the title.

    The movie scroller is also a cool idea, but it would be quite challenging since the simulation only works in a forwards direction (scrolling in both directions wouldn't be possible. Hmm, unless I wrote a reverse simulator...).

    BTW, your avatar is interesting :-) Is that an MR image of yourself? i.e. http://hi-games.net/profile/83

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    • Reputation: 217
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Why, yes it is! How did you guess, I wonder? Deduction from reading profiles?

    http://folk.uio.no/obech/Images/Stuff/G … PRages.JPG
    The original (3D reconstructed and surface rendered) images, recorded at 1x1x1 mm3 in a 1.5 T scanner.

    http://folk.uio.no/obech/Images/Stuff/G … reymaR.JPG
    I had a spot of fun trying out the various (medical) palettes. The one I used in my avatar icon is the blackbody one - fits, since I'm a physicist. (Also, there was the fun blackbody discussion on these fora a while back...)

    I think that "Warhol'ish" montage looks a bit like a 70s LP cover, hehe.

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    Agh, Ryan's nearly pushed off the first page of high scores!  :o

    I don't make progress. Argh. I need a new strategy to lift myself from the mid-60s to the 80s. That's as ambitious as I dare to be.

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    DreymaR if you're having trouble breaking through, maybe try a layout that has less slow trigraphs, such as Dvorak or Qwerty?

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    klalkity said:

    DreymaR if you're having trouble breaking through, maybe try a layout that has less slow trigraphs, such as Dvorak or Qwerty?

    Must have missed something.  Do you have any evidence for that claim ?

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    • Reputation: 217
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Sorry I mentioned that in this thread, but I didn't expect a hijack. This isn't a thread for discussing the virtues of different trigraphs. That firmly belongs in the General forum.

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    Ryan. I really wonder if all those people with so high scores on qwerty really use qwerty. Maybe they are so lazy that they do not care about the titled layout, so maybe upon setting the account there should be "Not specifled" layout by thefault instead of qwerty. It's a pity you did not do such a change in the game when moving to the new location.

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    I was wrong about þe numbers and wrong to hijak þe þread.  (Qwerty has way more slow trigrams þan Colemak; Dvorak less þan boþ but also less fast trigrams þan boþ so, to each his own.)

    bombadil said:

    Ryan. I really wonder if all those people with so high scores on qwerty really use qwerty. Maybe they are so lazy that they do not care about the titled layout, so maybe upon setting the account there should be "Not specifled" layout by thefault instead of qwerty. It's a pity you did not do such a change in the game when moving to the new location.

    I second þis; make þe default unspecifed; only þose who have explicitly said so should be labeled "Qwerty."

    Last edited by klalkity (16-Jul-2009 16:38:25)
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    bombadil said:

    Ryan. I really wonder if all those people with so high scores on qwerty really use qwerty. Maybe they are so lazy that they do not care about the titled layout, so maybe upon setting the account there should be "Not specifled" layout by thefault instead of qwerty. It's a pity you did not do such a change in the game when moving to the new location.

    There are way more Qwerty typists than Qwerty-alternative typists, so it's hardly unbelievable that some of them would be able to type 125+ WPM.

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    • Reputation: 217
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    TAKE CARE, FRIENDS! Since the last update, your preferences seem to have been wiped. As a consequence, it seems that even Shai himself has converted to QWERTY:


    I hardly think that's the case. I know I made a couple of 'QWERTY' personal bests before I spotted the issue.

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    Preferences for the 2 minute test should still be intact.

    What I recommend is go to http://hi-games.net/typing/ and edit your preferences there. These preferences should be inherited by all games in the typing category, unless you specifically override those preferences for a particular game.

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    • Reputation: 2
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    dang!  your right!  my new best scores for 30 sec and 1 min say it's for Qwerty!  LOL   I couldn't ever type half that fast with Qwerty. Now I have to beat them I to get Colemak back I guess.

    Last edited by keyboard samurai (27-Jul-2009 22:57:15)
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