Well, after 30+ years of using various computers, I've decided I waste too much time not really knowing how to touch-type. I'm not really a hunt-and-pecker, as I know about where most of the keys are, but I think I still need some "eye-assist" as I commit too many errors when totally looking away from the keyboard (but also get frustrated when I look up and see my Caps Lock was on...)
I've read numerous times about how bad a layout QWERTY is, so was looking at some alternatives, and came across Colemak. However, since I don't predominantly use my own keyboard(s), I'm worried about cross-system typing ability. I type on Windows PCs, Linux/BSD machines, old Sun boxes, and occasionally on some proprietary industrial control hardware that has a QWERTY layout. In addition, I have several "special" keyboards of my own: a Unicomp (my favorite), and old Model M, a Deck Legend (cool but I can't seem to type worth a damn on it), Bluetooth chiclet ones (Logitech K810 and a Sony PS3 keyboard), the aforementioned Sun Type 5, etc.
A couple of them are backlit (the Deck and the Logitech); while in theory I won't need that after I learn, it will help while I'm learning (assuming I can change the key lettering somehow), and I still like it for keys I don't use in touch typing (function and special keys).
It appears there's software to switch layouts on Windows machines, and I suppose could use XKB for the Linux boxes and perhaps the Suns. That'll take care of most of my typing, though there will be a few cases (see proprietary hardware above) where I won't have options.
I also can't change the keycaps on some of my own keyboards (keys in different rows have different pitch and whatnot), so learning will be a challenge unless I get some stickers to put on them or something.
Anyway, I'm looking for thoughts and advice from others who may have similar situations. Also, am I crazy trying to do Colemak? I program some but not for a living, and I'm not writing a novel, so is QWERTY an acceptable alternative if blazing speed or max comfort at very high typing volume is not required?
Any thoughts/tips/suggestion welcome.