My typing has become good enough to surf the internet and type out this post without too much stess.
So far I'm enjoying it,especially the fact that the linux layout I'm using has backspace defined as capslock and shift + shift
as capslock by default.
and it automatically converts Xkb configurations to console ones.
I didn't realize that until having to reformat my installation because of removing a btrfs partition,
that I didn't realize was involved in the boot process somehow (installed neither as / or /home),
but was somehow still being utilized by grub for some reason as the root partition. (maybe
it was one of those nights with sleep deprivation or I was smashed who knows, could
also be something I don't understand about btrfs too).
So far its been a really fun switch but I don't really have a comment yet except "thank god" >_< the "F"
key is in a different spot, and I never had a problem with the dvorak "L" (or any keys directly above the resting positions
on the home row) except the pinky doesn't get used except for gripping much in real life so you just need to teach it some cordination,
after that it feels strong for me.
Having "D" and "H" on the inner home row over the a spot above the home row feels weird, since on dvorak
"TH" was on the resting home row of strong fingers, and I felt getting started that inner home row ("D" and "H") is more un-natural then the upper row above the resting positions, agreeing with the author of workman.
I like the symbol keys being in the QWERTY positions, better for typing the bad english I usually type,
being easier to type more letters without the symbols I usually don't bother using, but still close enough
incase real written english is important. >:)
All in all I think this will turn out to be a more comfortable layout then I've been using.
I could care less about the ZXCV keybinds I've never used in about 10-15 years of computing
(right click menu copy and pasting has always been fast enough).
Colemak and QWERTY symbols seem like they're in a better place for programming.
The most used letter combos are really easy to type and it feels great. :)
All in all I think I really like it, I'll probable repost in about a week.