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The word "you"

  • Started by youBane
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Success! I can have my cake and eat it, too.

In AutoHotkey,

I've had the Capslock key remapped to Backspace, which is wonderful, but it's still troublesome typing in the names of constants, e.g. DEFAULT_CHAT_WINDOW. I didn't want to remap the Backspace key to Capslock, because it really is nice having two Backspaces, using whichever is closer. Well, now I have it set to where if I press Left Shift + Right Shift, it toggles CapsLock. ^_^

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Indeed, the Caps function doesn't need a good position (unless you're Sean Wrona and use it for normal typing that is!). Mine is on Caps+Esc so I can hit it with one hand (but I rarely do).

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How did you set yours to Caps+Esc?

I see you talking about it in the link from your sig, but it assumes an understanding of PKL, which I don't have. So I have a different question:

How do you use the tilde Backspace? I hope you don't have to hold down Caps every time you want to use that Backspace.

Last edited by youBane (08-Jan-2014 15:58:58)
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With PKL Extend (SC001 = CapsLock). But it's entirely doable in pure AHK of course – although I don't recall the syntax for it. Might be:

Last edited by DreymaR (08-Jan-2014 15:53:27)

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Ah, I see your reply, after I edited my post.  How do you use (manually) the tilde Backspace?

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The tilde isn't a Back but a Del (that is, delete forward). It's only there as a supplement to Caps+; for one-handed use and as such, not in frequent use. I found it neat for some browsing situations but I hardly use it now.

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Typing 'queue' sucks, and I type that a lot in World of Warcraft. Oh, wow, and Warcraft is still typed entirely with the left hand, just as it is in Qwerty.

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In PKL, I'd use a 'SC029 = }queue{' Extend mapping. In pure AHK I think it's just 'Caps&SC029::queue'?

Last edited by DreymaR (20-Jan-2014 21:42:37)

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I'm stuck at a plateau around 60 wpm, but last time I was stuck at a plateau around 50 wpm. Funny thing is, all I do are the same typing exercises, so it isn't obvious what causes the plateaus or what gets me past them. I just know that I got past the last one, so I hope that I'll get past this one.

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Plateau's seem inevitable, only practice seems to get through them. I can't tell progress on a day to day basis anymore, it's only looking at small gains over the last 2-3 weeks that I can tell I am getting better.

As for "queue", I am a programmer and end up typing that more often than I would like, that and the word "true".  So even though it's doesn't feel nearly as natural as some other alternate fingerings, I do use my pointer finger and middle finger to type it. It feels cramped but I prefer it to the same finger motion.

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My latest keyboard is a Truly Ergonomic keyboard. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now. My performance took a hit, down from 60 wpm to the low 50s. But I still type in Colemak all the time and enjoy it.

Last edited by youBane (06-Mar-2014 18:29:25)
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I lied, or improved. But my typing speed is back up to 60 wpm, using the TECK.

I have this problem with the ergonomic split, and I noticed it the last time I used a curved keyboard. I feel like the curve is too much. That makes sense since my last keyboard was a straight keyboard. But here's the funny thing. I chose a split keyboard this time because I feel like it should be curved when I type on the straight keyboard. That is, on a straight keyboard my hands are too curved, but on a curved keyboard, my hands are too straight. I hope I get used to this keyboard.

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I just scored 70 wpm on the typingweb test, but the typingweb test is always the same sentences, so I don't trust that score.

I also don't trust my sanity after all those nonsense practice sentences. >.<

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I'm up to 75 wpm now. My goal is 100 wpm.

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Go you!

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Broke 80 wpm. ^^

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i'm at 76 wpm, with 100% accuracy.

i've switched over to instant death mode on typeracer. the score, however, is incommensurable with my previous score, because anything less than 100% isn't averaged in (i.e., you're only seeing my best performances)

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How do you set instant death mode? I don't see that anywhere.

I think it's a good idea. Speed is so critically attached to a low error rate and that's a good way to emphasize it.

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Never mind, I found it. For everyone else, click on "more options" in the center on the main screen. Seems like the logical place to put it.

EDIT: This is awesome. What a great way to practice by actually punishing yourself by getting a letter incorrect. I just completed one at 62 wpm after many many tries and many many typos.

Good find.

Last edited by jonhines (17-Apr-2015 18:04:25)
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I'm up to 80 wpm with 100% accuracy.

Instant Deathmode has been paying off for me. As I said before, the score is skewed, because it doesn't show all my failures. But it paints a clearer picture. Imagine that you can see all my scores, with the ups and depressing downs. Sometimes, it even looks like I'm regressing. But in all the times I scored lower, I likely made a typo. So, if you view this same progress with only the 100% accuracy points, it looks like points with long stretches inbetween, but each point is a little higher than the previous. ^^

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There's always a strong correlation between my best speeds (in Amphetype) and the accuracy of that session. That is, sometimes I'm accurate but not all that fast – but whenever I'm fast I'm always extra accurate too!

I think that the typing "flow" we mentioned in another topic plays into this. If I can stay in the same flow the words just ... well, flow ... from my fingers at high speeds. When I start typing unevenly, errors happen more often and the overall speed suffers.

Last edited by DreymaR (08-May-2015 17:56:59)

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after a while.my Colemak typing speed is  about 60 wpm,accuracy is 98%

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mine's still about 80 wpm on my work keyboard, a mechanical teck. 80 wpm is good enough for me, so i don't have much motivation to keep practicing.

but it's only about 60 wpm on my Apple wireless keyboard, and this causes some trouble when i'm playing games (e.g., chatting while i'm trying to play in a group)

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On hard to type words, my humble opinion as a layout tweaker (I don't use Colemak, but a custom made version of the AdNW layout, that I sometimes change a bit to "perfect" it ):
* every layout will have words that are hard to type. Good layouts have *less* hard words; bad layouts have lots of hard words.
* once a layout is good enough, optimizing for one thing (say: a Colemak typists wants the letter H on the home row) will give problems elsewhere
* every layout will also have words that are easy to type, that you can use to brag. Classical example: you can type TYPEWRITER on the Qwerty top row

tl;dr - Live with it  :-)

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Correction: Good layouts have *less common* hard words. ;-)

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