Why not make fewer but deeper topics instead of spreading over a whole slew of topics? And why not read around a little - the answers to many of your questions are already to be found on Shai's pages and in relatively recent forum topics. Just friendly advice. It's nice to see that you're enthusiastic about the topic of layouts.
AHK won't work with the "deep-digging" programs as it stands now, and it may not run well aside some more complex programs (in theory). A layout install will, except for a few rare apps - and those are really concerned with key POSITIONS rather than with the letters on them anyway. Some odd games come to mind.
When migrating around, AHK is pretty much the perfect solution. You can autorun it from the flash drive (it still asks for confirmation, but it's very nice). I'm working at an improved AHK script with added functionality, but so far it's been slow progress.
At my workplace, I have a computer (or two) that I'm the sole master of. There I've installed the layout and made it the default. It also keeps those sneaky colleagues away, hehe. For good measure, I switched to a completely unmarked black keyboard since I'm not watching the keys anyway - a bit of a hassle with the special symbols, but all in all worth it for me. For all the other comps I work on, there's AHK. But if I'm to do something minor I'll just hack it out in QWERTY, which is a bit slower than it used to be obviously but not bad (as long as I look at the keys - the "QWERTY-on-autopilot" is not active these days although I think it could be retrained if I wanted to but I don't).
Last edited by DreymaR (11-Oct-2007 07:48:24)