For some reason I have been enthralled with keyboard layouts for the last three weeks.
I have been a three finger hunt n’ pecker for the last 10 years or so and I could do about 25 words a minute if I wasn’t testing myself (less if I was, lol). I always hated typing anything because it took so long. It was affecting my work so I decided to do something about it. I am kind of an efficiency nut so I started doing research on the best way to learn touch typing. I came across something that suggested that if you were just learning to type then you may want to try Dvorak because it’s more efficient than QWERTY and a lot more comfortable, among other reasons. I did more research and decided that Dvorak was for me. I went cold turkey. I printed off the layout, taped it to my monitor and didn’t look back. I even went so far as blacking out my keys on my home keyboard, and I was doing fine. It felt more comfortable than my attempts at QWERTY touch typing. About 2 weeks into my Dvorak adventure I came across a forum entry that mentioned Colemak.
I found this web site and started reading the FAQ. When I got to “What's wrong with the Dvorak layout?” my hackles rose. I admit that my first thought was “Bull S#!t” but I decided to give it a fair chance. I got it working on my home pc and within 10 minutes I was hooked. I threw away the Dvorak layout and now i'm on my second day. I love the fact I can keep the ctrl x/c/v shortcuts and I don’t have tired pinkies anymore!