Hello all, I've been trying to install Colemak Mod-DHm for quite some time, but nothing seems to work. I've tried DreymaR's EPKL(although I didn't understand a thing), as well as this page (https://github.com/ColemakMods/mod-dh/t … 30bc405831), but in both cases regular Colemak is installed. The linked page even says DHm is the default, but the GH keys are instead changed to DH, not DM. I'm trying to get the keyboard called "Colemak-DHm" on colemak.academy.
I've also checked out just about every topic related to DHm installation on here and so far none have resolved my issue.
I am using Windows 10 64-bit.
I'm a total computer newb, so any help is appreciated. Tysm!