I've learned I have no idea what my original QWERTY speed was... I used to think I had an estimate, but based on the typing tests, I think I overestimated.
Switched to Dvorak for about 5mins. This included popping off keys. While reveling in the knowledge of my new thing and reading about it I found out about Colemak. Well, at least I didn't learn Dvorak thoroughly...
After about a week I am at 50wpm according to http://hi-games.net/typing-test,300/ (5mins for a real man)... which isnt that close to my old speed, but still really good progress. Most of that I feel like is errors, too... the worst is pushing D instead of G. I feel like without so many errors I would be over 60.
The best thing I found (not that I tried it any other way) was an outright refusal to switch back; moving the keys helped this, as it reduced the possibility of giving up without further effort. It took forever just to respond to emails... but even after about 3 days I got the hang of it and knew I wasn't going back.
I basically am doing this now to increase the known user base of Colemak. I think Dvorak is stealing some potential Colemak users... if you are going to switch to something unpopular, mind as well go for the better one. Except there are things like the Carpalx layout, and custom layouts... but I guess there is SOME value in using a layout that is at least recognized by more than a couple of people and has gained some attention.