So, I've been at this Colemak thing for about 3 months now and I absolutely love it. My wife says she can't remember the last time I was so passionate about something (which is probably a sad commentary on my life and possibly my marriage). I'm routinely breaking 60 wpm and 96% accuracy (and still improving). Not lightning fast, but equivalent to my QWERTY speeds.
Anyway, my question is this: how do you convert people? I have been an advocate but have not yet persuaded anyone to join me. I'm a patent attorney so typing is a huge portion of what I do. Yet, while my colleagues all think this is really cool and interesting, none actually want to try it out (not even on Tarmak, which is how I switched). I also don't want to be an annoying douche that preaches keyboard layout all the time. If they don't want to do it, I can't make them.
Any advice for getting others to switch, or should I just not worry about it?