1. Improve https://colemak.com/GNU_Typist
Fedora: dnf install gtypist
2. Improve https://colemak.com/Learn
Add the following intro:
"All of these sites/programs have lessons. However, in the feature lists below, emulation refers to colemak emulation, and lessons refers to colemak-specific tiered lessons (as opposed to starting with Qwerty's homekeys)."
Then change the list content to the following:
The Typing Cat: emulation, create and share lessons with paid account (no Colemak lessons yet); 1 game
keybr.com (Flash): emulation, lessons
KTouch [new link: https://kde.org/applications/education/ktouch/] (Linux/Unix X11): lessons. The menu button is invisible in some Icon sets--the author says to try Breeze or Oxygen, but you can still click it on the far right below the x and the invisible arrows are one row below it. The menu is not needed though, nor is the Configure Keyboard button only available in Plasma. KTouch will automatically choose Colemak if the keyboard layout is set to Colemak (Using terminal command: setxkbmap us -variant colemak).
TypeTrainer4Mac (Mac OS X): site is down--inform us if you can find this program, or have a copy and the program is licensed for distribution by 3rd parties.
Speed Typing Online [corrected link: https://www.sense-lang.org/typing/]: games
Sense-Lang typing tutor: lessons, games
SES Type: site is down--inform us if you can find this program, or have a copy and the program is licensed for distribution by 3rd parties.
Typing lessons for the Asset layout (change Active layout to "Colemak" and the change it again to "None"): emulation, lessons: The site seems to always get one letter ahead or behind, so it keeps saying you're wrong if you try the emulated mode using the directions in parenhesis.
Master Key (Mac OS X, Shareware): lessons
GNU Typist (Linux/Unix console): lessons (using our colmak.typ file from the preceding link)
Online typing lessons (Plain HTML): lessons
LearnColemak.com (Plain HTML): lessons