Hello, I'm on the verge of switching to Colemak after examining a number of possibilities that all seem much less interesting compared to Colemak, like Dvorak and Maltron. I type in English as much as I do in French, for both work as a closed-caption transcriptionist and for personal use and I'm trying to make this transition as painless as possible. That being said, I presently use on both mac and pc the Canadian French layout. This allows me to use the same layout without having to switch from English to French to get the é à è keys.
Using alt-gr for the accented keys would be a pain. Here's the basic layout I plan to use:
QWFPG JLUYà^;ç (the ^ key can be ¨with shift and ` with alt to allow me to make ü and ù)
Does anyone else have a similar experience? Any advice?
Thanks in advance