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Here are some links regarding meditation using modulated sound waves that stimulates the brain. There are two products, one is called holosync and the other is called lifeflow and they are based on research about brain wave theory since 1970. I was first suspicious but they actually work. Some sounds make me want to sleep/weekup/ concentrate depending on the brain wave stimulated( alpha, theta, etc...). I use them while I am typing especially LifeFlow, and I hope you will find them helpful. They are of course not for free but you can find some of them on torrent sites. However if you want the whole set you have to buy it and it costs around $2500 for holosync and $6xx for lifeFlow

Here are the links to download holosync

I suggest that you first download this http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/3881785/ … structions

and maybe before you download anything you could watch this small video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkkpThU … re=related

and here are the links to download life flow.

if you do not want to map it through the registry you can use this simple autohotkey script under windows

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

DreymaR said:

Myself, I prefer having the special letters on lv1-2 now. Having them on AltGr mappings disrupts the flow of typing too much I find. It's easier for me to hit AltGr for the occasional brackets, and if I need to code heavily I can just switch to the standard layout.

Indeed, I think so and that its not really what I want to achieve. I am planning to do the same thing as I did under windows: AltGr + s|d|e|f  for navigation and aa -->ä , ii -->å, hh -->ö. The three swedich accents are the only ones I need and I am not planning to develop a third or fourth layer for symbols, as I do not need them very often. Now, I am not sure if I can make the same thing with xkb as I did with autohotkey i.e hitting hh twice within 400 ms to get Swedish accent, and I have to investigate that more. If I found it is not possible then for my wide-mode I have the two keys in the center free so I can assign the Swedish accents to them. I got this freedom because I assigned ]  to shift + Enter , } to shift+Backspace,  + to rightShift + leftShift and of course my shifts are brought one key up to prevent wrist damage and reduce shoulder movement.

I was googling and found this small program which could come in handy under windows and I hope that it works with autohotekey http://allchars.zwolnet.com/

2 days ago I decided to install Ubuntu along side my windows to implement my layout under linux. I was afraid that it would be hard but it was actually easier than the buggy Autohotkey. Also few days ago my microsoft natural keyboard failed and I had to type on a narrower keyboard and I was really annoyed, but I remembered this wide ergonomic mode and I said I would give it a try until I get my hands on a decent keyboard. I implemented it on windows and loved it very much and from my experience I know how important to have wide angle because narrow angles and bad wrist angle tend to impinge the shoulder and one would suffer from his neck and develop what I call sleeping syndrome (long story, but test and confirmed at least on me :). Anyway, I decided to implement the wide ergo on ubuntu 12.04 LT as well but then I was missing the keycode AC12, and it was not mentioned in the keycode chart image, so I did a search and ended up here lol. Luckily from the above post I know now it is <BKSL> =  43;
    alias <AC12> = <BKSL>, and thus I have my wide ergo implemented now. Thanks for your effort DreymaR; And since you have been working for a while with xkb and it is only my third day, I have a question: I am try to assign swedish letters when I hit AltGr and Shift +AltGr at as follows
key <AC04> { [        a,    A,  adiaeresis,  Adiaeresis        ]    };
and I want to assign some keys for navigation as well, but when I hit the Alt it opens unity dash for me and no swedish symbols are generated. Do you have any clue, why is this happening, thanks in advance

OmeGa15 said:

If anyone is interested I have made a Lecture file for KTouch with these lessons, you can download it here.

Nice effort :), and sure they will come in handy

qc said:

Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (nek4000) isn't the person, but the person has a similar name, they included something like "Colemak layout typing on a Microsoft Natural Keyboard".

I think I know who you are talking about, its is probably my friend Luca He has that lengthy name with airplane sign in the front

u2708u25d8new_luca@yahoo.com using Colemak & Microsoft Natural 4000 (lucageorge)
http://www.seanwrona.com/typeracer/prof … lucageorge


slowfingers said:

In my experience, typing real sentences is more beneficial than random words...

I really like it when people say in my experience, but the question here would be: what is your experience?. Have you been doing research on this topic for more than two years, have you learned more than 20 layouts and tested different methods to gain speed and reduce effort while learning them, like I did. Have you been trying to understand the physiology of the hand and how to make typing more fluid!!! If so then you would not have said that. The correct way to say it is that it is not enough to practice the common words, but they are extremely essential in the beginning to build muscle memory for common bigrams and common pattern. If you know how to type 'ea' 'ou' , ect.. quickly it would not be hard for you to type "eat", "heat", "beat". Bottom line here is that to learn to type effectively and fast,  in a shorter period of time then this is one of the most effective ways. As I recommend that after 25-30 WPM one should start to incorporated real life words, and that is what I have done in my lessons thread, but the focus was also to learn common words that has similar pattern to get the mind and hand used to it.

@Harper's: as you have notice that I have not included "." and "," in my lessons.There are two reasons:

1- Since this thread is for colemak, I supposed that most of the people are touch typist and they already know these two from qwerty
2- these two are really annoying to type and can increase hand pain because not only they are at the bottom row and require wrist movement, but also you have to hit space after them which puts the hand in awkward position, so in order to reduce the typing effort I tired not to incorporate these two.

Also I tried not to incorporate the shifts a lot as they are one of the most damaging keys on the wrists.

Since you are a new touch-typist and you probably would want to learn these, my advice is to play over typeracer as there are a lot of ". ," ,  and shifts there  and you do not feel bored typing these when you  are mainly concentrating on beating the opponent :), unless of course your hands started to ache :(.

You might benefit from these lessons:


tabaret tablet taboret tabouret. tacet tachist tacit tacket tackiest, tact tailcoat taillight taint takeout. talent talipot talkfest, talkiest tallest tallit tamest tangent. tangiest tanglement tangliest tanist, tannest tantamount taphonomist. tappet taproot tardiest, target tarot tarriest tart tartest tartlet. tasset tastiest tat tattiest tattooist, taught taunt taut tautest tawdriest. tawniest taxidermist taxonomist, teacart teapot teariest teat techiest. technocrat technologist teeniest, teensiest teentsiest teetotalist tegument. telecast telegraphist teleologist, teleost telephonist teleport teletext televangelist. telnet temperament tempest templet tempt tenant tenderest, tenderfeet tenderfoot tenebrist tenement. tenet tennist tenorist tensest tent tentiest, teratologist terawatt tercelet. tercet termagant terret territ, territorialist terrorist. tersest tervalent tesseract test testament, testiest tet tetchiest. tetravalent text thalassocrat, thanatologist. thankfullest that thatchiest thaumaturgist, thecodont theft theist theocrat. theorist theosophist therapist thereabout, thereat thermochemist thermodynamicist. thermoelement thermoluminescent thermoremanent. thermoset thermostat theurgist thewiest thickest. thicket thickset thinnest thirst thirstiest, thistliest thorniest thoroughest thoroughwort. thought thrawart threadiest threat threnodist thrift. thriftiest throat throatiest throughout throughput thrummiest, thruput thrust thumbnut thumbprint thunderbolt. thwart thymiest ticket tidbit tidiest tight tightest tilt timeliest, timeout timidest timpanist tinct tingliest tiniest tinkliest tinniest tint tipcart. tipcat tippet tippiest tipsiest tiredest tit titbit titlist, titrant toast toastiest tobacconist tobogganist toft. toilet toit tolerant tomcat tommyrot tomtit toniest, tonight tonlet tonoplast toot toothiest toothwort topcoat. topflight topgallant topknot toploftiest topmast. topmost topologist toponymist toquet torchiest, torchlight torment torot torrent torridest tort tosspot tost tot totalist totemist totipotent touchiest toughest tourist tournament tourniquet tout towboat toweriest towmont townlet toxicant toxicologist tracksuit tract tradecraft traditionalist traducement trailerist trait. traject trampolinist tranquilest tranquillest transact transcendent transcendentalist transcript, transcriptionist transductant transect transept transfect transfixt transformationalist transhumant. transient transit translucent transmit transparent transplant transport transshipment trapezist trapnest, trapt trashiest trawlnet treat treatment trebuchet trebucket trembliest tremulant trenchant trendiest. trepidant tressiest tret trevet tribologist triboluminescent trichocyst trichologist trichromat trickiest. trickliest tricksiest tricot trident triggest trijet trimmest trinket triolet tripart triplet trippet trippiest, trisect tritest tritheist triumphalist triumphant trivalent trivet trivialist trombonist trophoblast trot trothplight, troubleshoot troubleshot trout troutiest truant truculent truest trumpet trust trustiest tryout tryst tsarist tubaist. tubbiest tubist tucket tuffet tuft tuftiest tugboat tumescent tumult turbit turbojet turboshaft turbot turbulent. turfiest turgent turgescent turnabout turncoat turnout turnspit turret tut twangiest twat tweakiest tweediest, tweet twiddliest twiggiest twilight twilit twiniest twinight twinjet twinset twirliest twist twistiest twit twitchiest twixt tympanist typecast typescript typeset typiest typist typologist tyrant tzarist tzitzit

Imak and Dvomak lessons :


abort abortion advertence advertize advertizement airport averted birth cart cartoon certain certificate certification certified chart charted charterer chert comfort compartment concert convert court courted courter courtier curtain dart depart department departure deport deported dirt divert earth earthquake ecarte effort entertain entertainment exert exerted exertion expert export exportation exported exporter extort extorted extortion fart farted farther firth forth fortification fortified fortunate fortune fourteen fourth frankfurt further furthered furthermore furtive headquarter heart heartbeat heartbreak heartbroken heartburn hertz hurt import importance important north nurture part participation partition partitioned partner partnered pertain pertinence perturbation pervert port proportion quart report reporter vertebrate virtue vortex


abandonment adjournment adornment alignment attainment concernment containment detainment entertainment environment environmental environmentally government governmental governmentally nongovernment nongovernmental ordainment


against nst brainstorm nst brainstormed nst brainstorming nst constant nst constantly nst constants nst constellate nst constellated nst constellates nst constellating nst constellation nst constellations nst constipate nst constipation nst constituent nst constitute nst constitutes nst constituting nst constitution nst constrain nst constrained nst constrains nst constraint nst constrict nst constriction nst construct nst constructing nst construction nst constructive  nst demonstrably nst demonstrate nst downstage nst downstairs nst einstein nst gainst nst gunstock nst install nst installation nst installed nst installer nst installing nst instance nst instant nst instantaneous nst instantiated nst instantiates nst instantiating nst instantiation nst instantly nst instead nst instinct nst instinctive nst instinctively nst institute nst institution nst instruct nst instructed nst instructing nst instruction nst instructional nst instructive nst instrument nst mainstream nst mainstreamed nst menstruation nst painstaking nst rainstorms nst reconstitute nst turnstiles


airstrike rst burst rst cornerstone rst counterstrike rst first rst firsthand rst hairstyle rst hairstyles rst hyperstatic rst hypersthene rst hypersthenes rst hypersthenic rst hyperstimulate rst overstate rst thirst rst thirsty rst thunderstorm rst thunderstorms rst understand rst understanding rst understands rst understood rst worst rst airstrike rst burst rst cornerstone rst counterstrike rst first rst firsthand rst hairstyle rst hairstyles rst hyperstatic rst hypersthene rst hypersthenes rst hypersthenic rst hyperstimulate rst overstate rst thirst rst thirsty rst thunderstorm rst thunderstorms rst understand rst understanding rst understands rst understood rst worst 

I actually expected that you could type in the nineties for 5 minutes when I saw your 87 WPM replay, but it seemed that you needed some work on accuracy and after you have worked for small period of time you have done it. My self, my accuracy due to alternation is very high and I was racing a couple of speed friends over typeracer who type 100+ there and it seemed that my accuracy is better than them on the death mode, I even managed to hit 130 WPM for easytext, but failed the capatch :).

@Tony I raced you a week ago. Man you seemed to be very slow now to me :), just kidding. BTW, I type now around 84WPM average for 5 minutes at high games, 94 WPM for one minute on http://speedtest.10fastfingers.com on Dvomak, and I type at around 45 WPM for 5 minutes on Imak. The first time I tried to type on Imak again it took me only 15 minutes to reach 35 WPM, my fingers remembered it very well amazing

Harper_Jayne said:

Second set of six at 25/99. Will move on to the third set tomorrow, and I will then do them starting at 30/99.

Typing tests are not much faster but I am starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the layout itself.

As noted I can't write (meaning do my job) yet. So I will be dictating for now.

If you are typing the Colemak sets that I gave you, you should not aim for passing the set with a specific speed at this stage as they are some what difficult, just try to be accurate above 90%. You will benefit much more if you type the 6 sets around 3 times a day. When I learned Colemak, Some sets like the (io* oi*...) I could not go over 25WPM although I was typing on Colemak with average of 50WPM.

BTW, congratulation for reaching 25WPM, it is an achievement, especially that you are learning to touch type also :).

DreymaR said:

Thanks, Nimbo, for all these lesson suggestions! But may I make a posting suggestion for them? In my mind it'd be easier to see and then copy those lessons if you post them inside bracketed code tags! You know, like this:

Indeed looks better. Hopefully  next time :).

BTW, what is this Tarmak thing? I tried to google it but could not find anything useful? Do you have useful link?

I can not really promise you any speed jumps with my method like 6-10 WPM a day as usually happens to me because you are not only learning a new layout but you are also learning to touch type and I think this will have some (unknown) impact on how much you will improve each day.

I want to add these steps, which I did not describe in my technique. although I recommended typing the first 130-150 lines, I still do not type them line after line. I tend to give the most common words a larger share for typing. In fact most of the time I type the first 4-6 lines and after I pass the threshold, I go back again from the beginning with the same threshold set and type them, then I go back again and type them (around 3-5 times) to make sure that the muscle memory has been trained well for these. The last time I continue till the 10th line and I start again from the beginning as described above and when I am done I add extra 5 lines.

Another thing which I do very often when I am typing a line like this :

" does set three does set three does set three want air well want air well want air well also play small also play small also play small"

is that if I found I am making error in  difficult words such as play and also and I am unable to pass my threshold because these words are delaying me then   it would be not much effective to type the line all the time, so inside the typing tutor I start typing something like below until I develop the correct muscle pattern. You will feel it when you start typing the words with minimal thinking

play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play playplay play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play playplay play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play playplay play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play play
also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also  also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also

play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also play also

I hope this will help you!!

Tony_VN said:

Context does matter. Your mind guesses most of the time while reading and listening, it only hears or reads some of the keywords in a sentence and guess the rest...

You mean by Context the field where the text is coming from ( science, physics, literature, etc...) and that the mind find it easier to guess common contexts. Actually it is interesting to test this. I will write a program later that take text from any field any scramble the letters inside a word leaving the first and the last characters intact and see if the mind or at least my mind can read something that he is not accustomed to. I think the context would matter, but usually at our age we are exposed to a lot of words and the minds knows them, so it is difficult to come up with new thing, but of course this should be tested to be confirmed

Harper_Jayne said:

It took me 21 attempts to get 20/99 on that exercise. That doesn't count the many restarts . . .

Do not be surprised, I remember I had to type a line for like half an hour. You will notice after you sleep and the next day you walk up that your mind and hands have digested that line and it will become easier the next day.

I usually when I apply my method go cold turkey, and normally the first time one switches is the hardest but if you switch again you will notice it is much easier. I think the problem with you as tony said is that you are not only trying to learn a new layout but you are also trying to learn touch typing.

If you get frustrated you can take it steppe by steppe and preserve QWERTY, by practicing Colemak only one hour a day. This will take you around a 2-3 months to get a decent speed on Colemak and for your mind to adapt to using 2 layouts. I was able to maintain two layouts one at 55 WMP and the other at 70WPM. At that time when I started to practice the new layout I got frustrated, because it was difficult for my mind to switch, but then I found if I typed for one hour and then have a break for 15 minutes and go back and chat using my old layout then I would still remember the old layout my brain started to adapt every day to this. This was hard in the first 3 weeks but I stayed persistent because I know other people who have done it.

Try also to incorporate programs like mavis beacon 17 Delux ( do not use 20 its buggy) and Typing instructor platinum, for learning proper touch typing and to play funny games. Finally to increase your hands flexibility you can do yoga for hands and stretches :)

pafkata90 said:

I'm also using Chrome. Try cleaning the cache (maybe the cookies also?).

I have already done that, and tried to load fresh copy (CTRL+ F5), but it did not work. I am currently running the computer in turbo mode using tune up utilites because I am doing some database on SQLServer and I have a lot of apps open. Later I will try to revert it to the normal state and see if Tune up utilities is the problem as it has given me some issues since I installed it.

I opened the page in SRWARE Iron browser and now I can see the image. I think it is a chrome problem although SRWaRE Iron is a derivative of chrome

pafkata90 said:

Well it does show it for me. You didn't know that? It is interesting, indeed. You mainly look at the first letter of the words and the arrangement of the rest doesn't matter very much. That's why finding typos sometimes is very difficult. It's not very rare for me to see underlined word from the spellchecker and after reading it 5 times I still can't find the silly error :D

I knew this by heart, but I did not know that there is a research about it or an image like this :). Damn it then why can't I see the image in the thread!!! Weird (using chrome)

  • Replies: 8

Somebody has shared with me the image below, and interestingly I read it without any problem. It proves to me that the human after getting used to a word, does not care much about all the letters in the word, but the general look of the word and that is why our hands type spontaneously when the mind and the muscle memory is already familiar with the word. However, I think typing the text in the image would be really challenging and I expect a lot of typos :)


Edit: I wonder why the forum is sometimes buggy when adding images: for example sometimes I put an image inside an image tag but I got surprised that it wraps it with url tags and give me an error that it is not allow to put url tag inside an img tag as has happen with me several times like today :), although the forum code has added the url tag not me

Since I am unable to post the image I will post the link instead

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos- … 6731_n.jpg

I have put the image above the edit in and img tag, but it does not show!!!!

I remember that after I reached 30 WPM on Colemak, I typed the sets below for 2 times and then I jumped to 35. These words I collected form noticing the errors I make on the layout, due to difficult combos. The lessons below(set1 -set6) are effective after 30 WPM. It would be boring to type them before but you can type the first one at this stage. If you want more lessons, you can try my 100+ lessons :


You can past the contents of each file in RapidTyping tutor generated lesson files. Most of the lessons are optimized for my two layouts Imak and Dvomak, but they should work fine with colemak because they concentrate on common keys pairing

<item ID="21" Section="" Name="Commonly used" Text="th he an in er on re ed nd ha at en es of nt ea ti to io le is ou ar as be rt ve the and tha ent ion tio for nde has nce tis oft men ss ee tt ff ll of to in it is be as at so we he by or on do if me my up an go no us am the and for are but not you all any can had her was one our out day get has him his how man new now old see two way who boy did its let put say she too use that with have this will your from they know want been good much some time very when come here just like long make many more only over such take than them well were The of and to in a is that be it by are for was as he with on his at which but from has this will one have not were or all their an I there been many more so when had may today who would time we about after dollars if my other some them being its no only over very you into most than they day even made out first great must these can days every found general her here last new now people public said since still such through under up war well where while years before between country debts good him interest large like make our take upon what" />
<item ID="22" Section="Colemak" Name="Set 1" Text="people People asking answer answers are rare People asks questions that can't be answered weired really. People should find other alternatives people People asking answer answers people People asking answer answers people People asking answer answers people People asking answer answers people People asking answer answers people People asking answer answers people People asking answer answers people People asking answer answers people People asking answer answers" />
<item ID="23" Section="Colemak" Name="Set 2" Text="laughs leisurely super know knew known just like everyone vacations productivity responsibility laughs only laughs leisurely super know knew known just like everyone vacations productivity responsibility laughs only laughs leisurely super know knew known just like everyone vacations productivity responsibility laughs only laughs leisurely super know knew known just like everyone vacations productivity responsibility laughs only" />
<item ID="24" Section="Colemak" Name="Set 3" Text="manifestations saints form television cheating that are than their wrongs is belief tragedy caterpillar butterfly anything reason all and of dead armadillos which other edged laugh more edged edged than their edged form from edged edged their than form from edged edged from form than edged form their edged their edged theri edged from edged manifestations saints form television cheating that are than their wrongs is belief tragedy caterpillar butterfly anything reason all and of dead armadillos which other edged laugh more edged edged than their edged form from edged edged their than form from edged edged from form than edged form their edged their edged theri edged from edged manifestations saints form television cheating that are than their wrongs is belief tragedy caterpillar butterfly anything reason all and of dead armadillos which other edged laugh more edged edged than their edged form from edged edged their than form from edged edged from form than edged form their edged their edged theri edged from edged manifestations saints form television cheating that are than their wrongs is belief tragedy caterpillar butterfly anything reason all and of dead armadillos which other edged laugh more edged edged than their edged form from edged edged their than form from edged edged from form than edged form their edged their edged theri edged from edged" />
<item ID="25" Section="Colemak" Name="Set 4" Text="report birds sang that Satire stupid itching hopeful permanent was can understanding disappoint good obscenity may revenge matrimony like science multiplication sometimes entangled it's lucky going increased help oatmeal more disguised temptation knock overrated controls I'm engineers begin engineers report birds sang that Satire stupid itching hopeful permanent was can understanding disappoint good obscenity may revenge matrimony like science multiplication sometimes entangled it's lucky going increased help oatmeal more disguised temptation knock overrated controls I'm engineers begin engineers report birds sang that Satire stupid itching hopeful permanent was can understanding disappoint good obscenity may revenge matrimony like science multiplication sometimes entangled it's lucky going increased help oatmeal more disguised temptation knock overrated controls I'm engineers begin engineers report birds sang that Satire stupid itching hopeful permanent was can understanding disappoint good obscenity may revenge matrimony like science multiplication sometimes entangled it's lucky going increased help oatmeal more disguised temptation knock overrated controls I'm engineers begin engineers report birds sang that Satire stupid itching hopeful permanent was can understanding disappoint good obscenity may revenge matrimony like science multiplication sometimes entangled it's lucky going increased help oatmeal more disguised temptation knock overrated controls I'm engineers begin engineers" />
<item ID="26" Section="Colemak" Name="Set 5" Text="didn't sleep speaker's stop saw light bulb determine logic drag you've test planning worth hawk disagree is mean ness Romeo restless cause said incredible knows enjoy stone enjoy pig blind pig except justifiable Missouri pistols, replace didn't sleep speaker's stop saw light bulb determine logic drag you've test planning worth hawk disagree is mean ness Romeo restless cause said incredible knows enjoy stone enjoy pig blind pig except justifiable Missouri pistols, replace didn't sleep speaker's stop saw light bulb determine logic drag you've test planning worth hawk disagree is mean ness Romeo restless cause said incredible knows enjoy stone enjoy pig blind pig except justifiable Missouri pistols, replace didn't sleep speaker's stop saw light bulb determine logic drag you've test planning worth hawk disagree is mean ness Romeo restless cause said incredible knows enjoy stone enjoy pig blind pig except justifiable Missouri pistols, replace saw enjoy pig saw enjoy pig enjoy saw pig enjoy pig saw enjoy pig saw enjoy pig saw enjoy pig enjoy saw " />

Harper_Jayne said:

How do you manage to learn the full layouts then? 30-50 words is maybe 6 lessons. So many letters are not in those lessons.

Oh I made a typo and was reckless here it should be 130-150. And to be more exact here what I usually type in the beginning until I reach 25-30WPM, then I add my own lessons, mavis beacon, and typing Instructor platinum lessons and games in case I get bored and to work on the dictation part.

"the of to and a in is it you that he was for on are with as I his they be at one have this from or had by hot word but what some we can out other were all there when up use your how said an each she which do their time if will way about many then them write would like so these her long make thing see him two has look more day could go come did number sound no most people my over know water than call first who may down side been now find any new work part take get place made live where after back little only round man year came show every good me give our under name very through just form sentence great think say help low line differ turn cause much mean before move right boy old too same tell does set three want air well also play small end put home read hand "

so the only thing that you will not type in the beginning is qxz. It would be really foolish to leave 'p' and 'g' untrained :).

Here what you should get out of Ampehetype
the of to the of to the of to and a in and a in and a in is it you is it you is it you that he was that he was that he was

for on are for on are for on are with as I with as I with as I his they be his they be his they be at one have at one have at one have

this from or this from or this from or had by hot had by hot had by hot word but what word but what word but what

some we can some we can some we can out other were out other were out other were all there when all there when all there when

up use your up use your up use your how said an how said an how said an each she which each she which each she which

do their time do their time do their time if will way if will way if will way about many then about many then about many then

them write would them write would them write would like so these like so these like so these her long make her long make her long make

thing see him thing see him thing see him two has look two has look two has look more day could more day could more day could

go come did go come did go come did number sound no number sound no number sound no most people my most people my most people my

over know water over know water over know water than call first than call first than call first who may down who may down who may down

side been now side been now side been now find any new find any new find any new work part take work part take work part take

get place made get place made get place made live where after live where after live where after back little only back little only back little only

round man year round man year round man year came show every came show every came show every good me give good me give good me give

our under name our under name our under name very through just very through just very through just form sentence great form sentence great form sentence great

think say help think say help think say help low line differ low line differ low line differ turn cause much turn cause much turn cause much

mean before move mean before move mean before move right boy old right boy old right boy old too same tell too same tell too same tell

does set three does set three does set three want air well want air well want air well also play small also play small also play small

end put home end put home end put home read hand read hand read hand


Harper_Jayne said:

I don't think that any typing is a waste of time at this point. No matter what it is that I am typing I am sending new commands to my fingers. Practice more than anything else is what makes our brains start to change.

I am not at this point using Amphetype but I may look at it later today. Your lessons thread only once mentions it after all. :) If this is the method you indeed recommend I would suggest adding a new post (I have not seen one where you talk about how you suggest using the lessons) and linking to it from the top of the lessons thread.

Thank you for the advice. I will of course report back with my progress. (After the Super Bowl!)

Let us say not a waste of time but rather ineffective and time consuming. If you practice this way it will take you long time, and I am telling you from around 2 years researching experience due to wrist injury. I think I have mentioned amphtype and the process slightly above the lesson in the thread. I wrote :
you can add your lessons by going to the lesson generator tap, and the program will created either a single copy or multiple copes of each word interleaved according to the selection made int the field:
" In generating....X copies ...... size Y"
for example if you pasted the text "about the" and chose
X,Y --> Out put will be
2,2 --> about the about the
2,1 --> about about the the
I usually choose (3,4)
then you save your lesson by naming it at the bottom of the program and hit "Add to Source"
After that you go to the "Sources" tap, and you can find it there. To type your lesson Select in the Selection method drop menu "In Order", expand your lesson, and double click on the text you see. The nice thing about the program is that it keep repeating the same chunks of text all over again to you until you go above a certain WPM and Accuracy, which you can adjust in the "Sources" tap.

And Here More Lessons:
( you can paste it in Amphetype with interleaving x,y = 3,4. This what I have done)

Most common 1000 words (From the web)

and I expanded on this on Jin thread
https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=1123   where I posted some lessons there  related to Dvorak layout.

if you want nice typing tutors then I recommend mavis beacon 17 delux (includes dictation lessons), Typing instructor platinum (very nice and includes dectation). For accuracy and to practice each key separately, Use typer shark game posted by tony it is great for increased accuracy.
Finally, you might be interested to check my pearl http://pear.ly/OoZL

Harper_Jayne said:

These are pretty awesome. Once I need to really start working on accuracy I'll be sure to work some of these lessons. Thanks!

Welcome and Enjoy!

Here is how to one should practice the 1000 common words lesson in an effective way:

I place the common 1000 words in Amphetype program and do some settings as mention below  so that it will generate two lines of text like this:

"the of to the of to the of to and a in and a in and a in is it you is it
you is it you that he was that he was that he was"

and I set the program to allow me to keep practicing until I reached 100-98% accuracy and speed of my_Speed_at_hi-games_for_two_minutes_test + 10WPM, and when I pass this threshold I am allowed to continue to type the next to 2 lines from the 1000 words. In this way I learn the layout and practice the common words and bigrams (th,st,nt,ou,io,ea, etc....)at the same time.

In fact I do not type the 1000 words. I only typed them twice, but what I type is the first 130 to 150 words. Then I start again from the beginning and increase the threshold by extra +10WPM.

in theory and practice where I have tried this method with over 20 layouts you should be able to advance every day by 6-10 WPM till you reach 50 WPM. Once upon a time I practiced for only 2 hourse every day using this method, and I was advancing 6WPM+ each day. So you do not need to spend too much time typing in the beginning when you learn a layout. You should focus on increasing your muscle memory for the common bigaras and common words, which will help you to increase your speed quickly. This way will not train you for individual keys, it will train you for common biagrams, and you will notice that you are much faster typing bigrams than remembering key positions, but with the other lessons in my lessons thread, you can improve on this. I usually use this method exclusivly until I reach 28-30 WPM and then I start the other lengthey lessons in the lessons thread.

Amphetype settings that you should do 

1-From the preferences set "Try to limit text and lesson to between 100 and 100 characters"
2-then go t lesson generator and set "In gnerating lessons, I will make 3 copies the list below and divide them into sublists of size 3" then and paste the 1000 words, name the lesson and then click add to source.

3-in the sources tap set Repeat texts that don't meet the following requirements:

WPM         your_average_for_2_minutes_at high-games + 10WPM
Accuray         100 or 99%

and the other two fields to exactly the same values

then choose your lesson from the left side pane and double click on the first line in that lesson to start typing. Keep typing this line no matter what until you pass the threshold "do not hit Esc to jump to the other line. Let the program do it for you when you succeed"

Harper_Jayne said:

I really don't think this would help typing so much as help with thinking. The speed you set responses at and the error tolerance would just serve to gateway the process for people who were at "x" point in their typing process. (Plus or minus their thought process, which is what you're really testing here.) Not to say "this is pointless" just that I don't see much benefit from a typing standpoint.

The speed should be adaptive to each user. The method should help in the following respects
1- correlate more muscle memory with thinking instead of eye sight alone. In the beginning stage of learning touch typing and a new layout, people tend to type faster by about 10 WPM the words they sea than the words they hear and think about how to type it. You can prove this to yourself by taking dictation lesson in Mavis Becaon typing tutor.

2- Although dictation lessons could do (1), I think this way would be more interesting and increases the mind response when  distinguishing  between contractions, like the color name and the label or text  color :)

Harper_Jayne said:

15 WPM and 93% accuracy with the 1000 most common words exercise. Man that one takes a lot of time when you type this slowly.

hmm. I do not think that you are practicing this lesson efficiently. In fact You should not type the 1000 words at all especially at your current speed, it is totally a waste of time. Here what you should do:

I place the common 1000 words in Amphetype program and do some settings as mention below  so that it will generate two lines of text like this:

"the of to the of to the of to and a in and a in and a in is it you is it
you is it you that he was that he was that he was"

and I set the program to allow me to keep practicing until I reached 100-98% accuracy and speed of my_Speed_at_hi-games_for_two_minutes_test + 10WPM, and when I pass this threshold I am allowed to continue to type the next to 2 lines from the 1000 words. In this way I learn the layout and practice the common words and bigrams (th,st,nt,ou,io,ea, etc....)at the same time.

In fact I do not type the 1000 words. I only typed them twice, but what I type is the first 30 to 50 words. Then I start again from the beginning and increase the threshold by extra +10WPM.

in theory and practice where I have tried this method with over 20 layouts you should be able to advance every day by 6-10 WPM till you reach 50 WPM. Once upon a time I practiced for only 2 hourse every day using this method, and I was advancing 6WPM+ each day. So you do not need to spend too much time typing in the beginning when you learn a layout. You should focus on increasing your muscle memory for the common bigaras and common words, which will help you to increase your speed quickly. This way will not train you for individual keys, it will train you for common biagrams, and you will notice that you are much faster typing bigrams than remembering key positions, but with the other lessons in my lessons thread, you can improve on this. I usually use this method exclusivly until I reach 28-30 WPM and then I start the other lengthey lessons in the lessons thread.

Amphetype settings that you should do 

1-From the preferences set "Try to limit text and lesson to between 100 and 100 characters"
2-then go t lesson generator and set "In gnerating lessons, I will make 3 copies the list below and divide them into sublists of size 3" then and paste the 1000 words, name the lesson and then click add to source.

3-in the sources tap set Repeat texts that don't meet the following requirements:

WPM         your_average_for_2_minutes_at high-games + 10WPM
Accuray         100 or 99%

and the other two fields to exactly the same values

then choose your lesson from the left side pane and double click on the first line in that lesson to start typing. Keep typing this line no matter what until you pass the threshold "do not hit Esc to jump to the other line. Let the program do it for you when you succeed"

Tony_VN said:

I have tried Autohotkey but when you type fast (50+wpm) sometimes Autohotkey cannot respond and Qwerty keys kick in.

I had some issues with Authotkeys as well, but I was recently having a problem of where I did not have caps Lock and the layout suddenly switch to upper case and I attributed this to Authotkey. But now and after the problem happened with me for several day during the last two weeks I realized that it is a sticky shift, and I have to hit the sticky key few times to make to return the logic back to normal